Recent content by Kainti

  1. K

    Zero Punctuation: Call of Duty 4

    Damn man, you're getting really good at flash. Nice new effects. ...And that time of the month thing filled me with joy, glee, and disgustingly erotic images.
  2. K

    Zero Punctuation: Silent Hill Origins

    I want to buy Yahtzee Croshaw a beer.
  3. K

    129: The Good Ending

    Good man.
  4. K

    Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect

    Spread her like marmalade and fill her with the toothpaste of love.
  5. K

    Zero Punctuation: Assassin's Creed

    I agreed with the homeless people and retards, as a matter of fact on the last three missions I just took to fucking stabbing them. Fuck them, so hard. Other than that, and the horse going slow thing (I preferred just to gun it and run around like an idiot), I find no flaws in this game...
  6. K

    Zero Punctuation: Clive Barker's Jericho

    Yahztee thinks you enjoy cranial intrusions, then. But you're entitle to your opinion, and it's nice to see someone who can enjoy a game though a lot of people are complaining about it. I find that incredibly hard to do myself...
  7. K

    Zero Punctuation: Clive Barker's Jericho

    You, shuddap, now. Yahztee Croshaw does not "Rant", he Reviews, you jackass. P.S. Thanks to the guy who linked the "Excuuuuse me, princess" video...I had hoped to have forgotten that.
  8. K

    Zero Punctuation: Zelda Phantom Hourglass

    Okay, so after playing further into the Phantom Hourglass I can say this much. In Windwaker, the graphics were excellent, because it was a smooth game. The people look ass hideous in this game, and the dialouge sometimes makes me pissed. I should not be pissed off at dialouge unless it's the...
  9. K

    Zero Punctuation: Zelda Phantom Hourglass

    I'm surprised that he did not point out how stupid the game presumes you are. I am all for a game thinking that I am an intelligent player, because it means more often than not I get to do something cool and go "Oh, cool, I figured it out". Sure, you get stuck on a few frustrating puzzles, but...