Recent content by Kapri

  1. Kapri

    Most difficult boss you've faced.

    Hm the ones that come to mind are the golem boss in Metroid Prime 3. It sucked on normal but Hard mode? I just gave up and by gave up I mean rage quit. The other one is Zodiark from Final Fantasy XII. Took me sooooo many tries to beat that cheap ass bastard and what sucked was I'd get him down...
  2. Kapri

    What Are Some Good Movies Where The GOOD GUY Fails?*

    Hm the only one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned yet (I think) is Suicide Kings. It's an older movie but I really enjoyed it and it ain't no happy ending. At all.
  3. Kapri

    Aliens are looting the Earth! What do you do?

    Probably join in on the looting. I'm not letting aliens beat me to the good shit!
  4. Kapri

    How did you find the Escapist?

    Definitely because of Loading Ready Run. Watched crap tons of their vids and eventually found my way here. Voila!
  5. Kapri

    super powers that would be wasted on you

    Telekinesis. I would use it for the sole purpose of pranking people, not gonna lie.
  6. Kapri

    Ladies... You Know What I've Never, Not Once, Done In My Entire Life?

    Lolololol sorry, I thought of the South Park episode about the toilet seat belts. Plus,I never understood the big deal about leaving the seat up. It takes literally 1 second to put it up/down.
  7. Kapri

    Games you own, but have no desire to play.

    Chaos Theory. Soooo over the top it makes me laugh and cry simultaneously. Don't think I'll ever finish it but oh well, it was good for a few chuckles.
  8. Kapri

    GlaDOS Gets Screen Time in Pacific Rim Trailer

    Any one else think the monster looks like a Dodongo from Legend of Zelda?
  9. Kapri

    What's your plans for Christmas

    My plans are to get it over with and hopefully not remember much of X-Mas by consuming unsettling amounts of booze. Not to be a debby-downer...
  10. Kapri

    Most boring game you've ever played.

    Assassin's Creed 2. It's the only one I've tried playing but I lost interest in it quite quickly.
  11. Kapri

    You can say one sentence and everyone on earth will hear it.

    "CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!" Oh, oh! Or... "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a...
  12. Kapri

    You Can Have Any Animal for a Pet!

    And as promised... HUGZ!
  13. Kapri

    You Can Have Any Animal for a Pet!

    Please tell me you're referencing Beast Wars. If you are, I will air hug you.
  14. Kapri

    You Can Have Any Animal for a Pet!

    Komodo dragon because, why not?! I would toooootally ride this thing instead of driving everywhere because again, why not?!
  15. Kapri

    What gets you up in the mornings?

    Cocaine. Nah just kidding, but the next best thing is shit tons of coffee until people actually think you are on cocaine.