Recent content by karm42yn

  1. karm42yn

    First Public Look at Thief 4 Coming in March

    They better not screw this one up. I've been waiting far too long. Same with Hitman 5
  2. karm42yn

    Tell Tale's Back to the Future part 1

    I'm like really dissapointed by this game. You'd think that they had it all (you know, experienced studio, that dude from BTTF as a consultant, Christopher Lloyd...). They've made a shitload of good (if not very) adventure games like sam and max (shut up purists) or the last monkey island (shut...
  3. karm42yn

    2011 will DESTROY my wallet

    mos-def stuff like the Arkham City, Mass Effect and DeusEx (you know, quality shit). what I REALLY can't wait for is Thief 4 and Hitman 5 (anyone with me? no?), but knowing my luck and such I will have to wait another year or two
  4. karm42yn

    Favorite subway sandwich?

    One that didn't go through SubwayDeflavourizer5000 :|. Seriously, get the stuff in your local market (wherever you buy fresh, quality foods) and prepare a sub at home. You can thank me later
  5. karm42yn

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Nude Nuns with Big Guns. good stuff, oh yes indeed
  6. karm42yn

    When graphics stop getting better

    Don't forget that better graphics are also more expensive graphics. Only because your graphic card can carry the load doesn't mean that the dev will always have the money to pay off 400 strong design team. We need more inteligent tools to do it more efficiently. Besides there's always a big...
  7. karm42yn


    cuz that what the life is about yeah
  8. karm42yn


    three 10 year old classics that you've never played before
  9. karm42yn


    get something you'll like
  10. karm42yn

    Poll: Who would win?: Alien, Predator, Terminator.

    Placing xenomorph with the other two is completely pointles as he would only stand a chance in a very tight quarters (and he can't do jack to Arnold anyways. it's not like he can headbite him). As to the Predator vs. T-800 it would depend on the armaments. Hand to hand - T-800 wins easlily...
  11. karm42yn

    Your favourite obscure band?

    Fantomas that's for sure. Maybe not that obscure but i know that 99.9% of folks don't condone it :) not the best quality recording, but it explains it all
  12. karm42yn

    Your most memorable place in gaming.

    Noir York City from the first Max Payne. That constant darkness, winter and epmtiness... Gotta play through it again
  13. karm42yn

    Ben Heck Builds a "Military Grade" PS3

    "if you don't have big enough bit, just wiggle it around in there" and that look on his face right after he said that :-)))))))