Recent content by Kerethos

  1. Kerethos

    Good Bad Flicks: Exploring Blade

    I loved the first one, it was a lot of fun. The second one... passable. The third one... Well, Ryan Reynolds was funny at times.
  2. Kerethos

    Senator calls for gambling legistaion against CS:GO

    CS:GO has gambling mechanics in it. You pay 2$ for a chance at random items with a real monetary value, some of which is worth many, many times that initial 2$ fee. That is literally gambling and should be subject to regulation. Not that CS:GO in the only game guilty of this, in truth, quite...
  3. Kerethos


    First off: Secondly: What Overwatch needs is more diverse asses. I mean look at Roadhog, just a glorious piece of manmeat. You know you want to rub oil all over that belly and slide down that pig like a slip and slide. But then you realize that the man somehow barely has an ass! WTF...
  4. Kerethos

    Poll: So, you're the last man (woman) on Earth, left with everyone of the opposite sex...

    Male or female, I don't see this scenario being very enjoyable. You'll either be a sperm factory (as insemination is a fuck lot more efficient than intercourse) or a constant baby oven. Either way sex won't be on the table. Getting strapped down and used is what you're in for. You'd have to...
  5. Kerethos

    #109: Cutting In

    I would greatly approve of that outcome. "Look at me I'm so cool, I'll just cut this tank in half and *splat*". Cool 0 - Physics 1.
  6. Kerethos

    Latest Far Cry Primal Trailer Introduces its Hero

    So I take it the story is: "There's another tribe, that's doing better than your tribe, on your land. So you've got to murder them all and upgrade your bear". Also for some reason you've got to drink the guy from Assassin's Creed Unity, because some filth covered hobo in a cave told you too -...
  7. Kerethos

    Can Meat Eaters be Easy to Offend?

    Well, I wasn't really trying to deny our evolutionary history. I was just keeping it brief by saying we can pretty much (these days) eat whatever we want, as long as it fills our dietary needs. I mean, personally, I quite like bread and potatoes, even though that's fairly new things in an...
  8. Kerethos

    Can Meat Eaters be Easy to Offend?

    The whole "humans have evolved to eat meat" and such is just silly. We're omnivores! As long as we get all the nutrients we need from our diet then we can pretty much eat whatever we want, meat or no meat. We're not great with raw meat, but raw vegetables are usually fine though. So based on our...
  9. Kerethos

    #073 - Ch-Ch-Changes

    Is this what weed supposedly does for you in the morning? I've never smoked weed and my towel is clean, but aside from that, this is what an ambitious Saturday/Sunday morning looks like for me - I if I'm going out or having someone over. If I'm not then there's no shower, there's just the...
  10. Kerethos

    #059 - Delivery

    So many deep thoughts about how this scenario might actually play out and what that means about the reality Erin lives in... I, on the other hand, is just going to say: You've spoken to my imaginary friend through the mail slot. That's enough social interaction for one day. :)
  11. Kerethos

    From Halo to World of Warcraft: An Interview With Voice Artist Laura Bailey

    Since no one has linked it, I think it needs to be done: Critical Role: Lot's of familiar voices and voice actors playing 5th edition D&D (with a bit of homebrew rules). It's so much fun! Captcha: turn the tables. No captcha, you flip them...
  12. Kerethos

    Breaking: NASA Says Water Flows on Mars - Update

    At a glance - and about 12 years since my last chemistry class - that seems unpleasant. Also since Mars barely has an atmosphere I'd not expect anything outside of some very hardy microorganisms to be able to exist there. I mean we have examples of such creatures living in arsenic-rich waters...
  13. Kerethos

    #053: Surplus

    Only if he keeps the helmet on. How else would we know it's him?
  14. Kerethos

    A Writer's Destiny

    I watched a comparison video between the Dinklebot and the Northbot. It's easier to hear what the Northbot is saying sometimes, compared to the Dinklebot, probably due to slightly better audio balance. But the writing is still the same...
  15. Kerethos

    Scientists Agree: Octopuses Are Intelligent, and Might Think Like Us

    Suddenly I feel strangely good about my decision not to eat squid... though that came mostly from tasting squid that one time and deciding "nope, this ain't good - like pretty much everything from the sea". I then proceeded to eat a bunny rabbit - which was really tasty.