Recent content by Kevianz

  1. K

    Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you embody the most?

    Fun topic, i like it :D As far as my sins, i can't go them off all since time shortage so maybe on a later time, but the biggest would be: GREED, I can't save money and there is always something I want to spend it on. There was a time where I just spended everything I could get on weed but...
  2. K

    You are a gladiator

    I would go for the longest katana/longsword that could be found. Then let my hair grow just before i could step on it. And then as anthem i would take.... One Winged Angel :D 3 chances to guess what my nick would be :O
  3. K

    I need a good fantasy RPG (or hell, any RPG)

    A long list there so can't think of anything you haven't got already. Only one that pops in my mind is Xenoblade only thats for the wii and I think it's a JRPG officially (although the combat is not like a traditionally JRPG).
  4. K

    games to get me into turn based strategy?

    If you have a nintendo handheld or a wii/gamecube you could give one of the games of the fire emblem series a shot. That were the ones that got me into turn based games and they are fairly easy to learn and get quite complex later on in the game. Also battle for wesnoth is a great one too...
  5. K

    Poll: Final Fantasy: Gameplay or Story?

    I don't see why people like FFXIII-2 over XIII IMO XIII was executed waaaaaay better (except for the linearity). At first i thought I would like XIII-2 over XIII also but after playing it I just began to dread it, that jumping around in timezones just made me sick after a while and it didn't...