Recent content by Kinpatsu

  1. Kinpatsu

    LoadingReadyRun: Seth McDebit

    Dude, Matt is seriously looking good lately. Also, I would totally watch this movie. McDebit should make a comeback, or at least get a full-fledged story arc.
  2. Kinpatsu

    LoadingReadyRun: Punctu-action

    Well, -that- was darker than the average LRR video... I have to say, though, that watching Graham all hysterical about air quotes made me giggle. Graham Stark, fighting for truth, justice, and proper usage!
  3. Kinpatsu

    LoadingReadyRun: En Garde

    This episode was insanely good. I'd love to have something like this in a real game - even a quick cutscene would do the trick. It would certainly liven up all those FPSs my brother insists on keeping around the house.
  4. Kinpatsu

    Feed Dump: Commentary All Stars

    Holy shit it's Brad and Morgan! Missed them. :D Hopefully we see them again soon. Also, Graham, what the hell was that hat?
  5. Kinpatsu

    (Alleged) Pros at Cons

    ... Did you guys time-travel for this Loading Time? (The date on the video for Tsukino Con is 2/25. Or two days from now. Either this is a typo or you're secretly Time Lords.)
  6. Kinpatsu

    LoadingReadyRun: Jonny

    ... What the fuck, Graham? No, seriously, what the fuck. I have no idea what I spent the last five minutes watching. Also, I feel bad for Kathleen. Poor, sad underdrawer wrangler. :(
  7. Kinpatsu

    Feed Dump: My Cat Ate My Whopper

    Alex and LeeLee basically summed up my feelings on Jersey Shore in this episode. HULKSMASH. And hey, Return of the Dinosaur(/crocodile?) Hat!
  8. Kinpatsu

    LoadingReadyRun: Ways to Ring in the New Year

    I was coming into this thread to complain about the lack of a Sam Raimi for this X Ways to Y... and then I saw the stinger. Thanks for that. Also, the return of the purple cultist Snuggies made me giggle.
  9. Kinpatsu

    Feed Dump: Reindeer Pâté

    Alex and Matt Try To Get It Up was a little disturbing. It was like they were seeing into my soul. I was totally unprepared for that hat, by the way. When it started singing and dancing, I spat Pepsi at my screen.
  10. Kinpatsu

    Feed Dump: Frosty Cardboard Marmite

    Oh wow, an "in England" joke before you even got into your first news story. Congrats, Graham. The stinger made me giggle, although poor Paul really does look traumatized.
  11. Kinpatsu

    Feed Dump: Santa Drugs

    It's true. Detroiters hate Nickelback just as much as the rest of the world. (Can you tell I signed that petition?) Also, the way Graham said "butt puppies" at the very end was really funny and I have no idea why.
  12. Kinpatsu

    Feed Dump: Ash-Bullets & Wow-Butter

    Alex nearly pissing himself with laughter might have been the best part of this video.
  13. Kinpatsu

    Feed Dump: Sinkhole Pronounced Dead

    I would definitely use Kathleen's dead-or-alive service. Also, I'm surprised there's only one Viking hat in the LRR costume department - someone should go find another one.
  14. Kinpatsu

    Poll: Which of the big-title November releases has you more excited?

    Skyrim and Assassin's Creed are the ones I'm actually planning to buy. If we talk about just renting or playing through at a friend's house, I guess I'd be willing to try Saints Row and Uncharted. And of course, my younger brother will buy CoD and Halo.
  15. Kinpatsu

    Escapists; What are you listening to?

    Right now it's Ghost Love Score by Nightwish. Later it will probably be Rammstein.