Recent content by Kitsune210708

  1. K

    Stupidest Reason Why You've Gotten Into Trouble In School.

    Most infuriating one that i have encountered would be the first year of high school in music, we had just got a new teacher and he was re-showing us all these instruments, and getting us to pass it around the classroom, well eventually it got to the violin and me. i had a look thought Ooooooh...
  2. K

    What is the symbol of your chilhood?

    Tekken 2.That was THE game of my childhood that was the highlight of my youth...aswell as star wars...i wasnt around for the release original ones, buty i watched the shit outta them on VHS last one would be a certain building in my city (newcastle, Australia)...dont expect anything deep...
  3. K

    The Most Immoral Thing You've Done in a Video Game

    Sorta did that for about 2 hours straight, only it wasn't randoms, but police officers, just held most of them off when they tried to arrest me, hog tied the rest, put them on nearby tracks in a ,loooooooong ass line and waited...think i got up to maybe 25 guys hogtied at once? man it was funny...