Recent content by KoSTHB

  1. KoSTHB

    Caught having sex

    so many times now since I think about it. but mostly by friends or strangers, only once did my brother walk in a room and I lazy tried to block his vision with a pillow. didnt work
  2. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    that is unfortunate for you but i did state In "America" where white males are the majority.
  3. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    its not excluding straight white males from topics dealing with discrimination racism and unfairness in life.its me questioning why do we focuses on race for being a source our problems in cases when its not or rarely is. the bulk happen against non whites by all types of people and a tiny...
  4. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    well if people get information from a biases source "we all do in some way or another" and only from that biases source the knowledge about the things, people, places etc. People will create social norms out of the "knowledge" they got and even rules "imagine that" to maintain norms. never...
  5. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    Btw this isn't about Black and White but what i just asked if you are aware of any places where non-whites have a better chance of success, but whatever definition since i hope most of us agree that going to jail is not a success in life
  6. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    freedoms i am talking about are how society views a group of people. Whites in American are viewed in vary of ways, as individuals but other race groups are confined to small assigned roles. Believe it or not how society views on groups can and does have an affect on how you view yourself and...
  7. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    i'm not claiming that all white are privileged in the sense of wealth " although if you have white american decedents you naturally had more time to cultivated wealth opposed to more recent immigrates" but socially have more freedoms
  8. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    tell me in what type of demographic in America is a White male is more likely to be arrested and put in jail than a person of another race "provided that there is a population of other races"? despite being the majority in the US most prison populations are non-whites.
  9. KoSTHB

    You're victims?

    a question here for people on Escapist that i honestly don't understand and have been noticing it more recently. In many a topic dealing with racism, discrimination some unfairness in life, why in most cases do the white straight male tries to victimize himself using only experiences in which...
  10. KoSTHB

    Face-Chomping "Vampire" Attacks Geriatric At Hooters

    cocaine is a hell of a drug....
  11. KoSTHB

    The fun facts thread.

    ancient west africans around(2000-1500 b.c) visited the Americas and left the Olmac civilization beating columbus a couple thousand years
  12. KoSTHB

    I don't 'get' Racism...

    does any of that makes you wonder why a 5% of the population makes up 50% of prisons? could part of it be current and past institutional discrimination against this small group. That be from anything from wrongly arresting to discrimination of where u could buy houses , only allowing them to...
  13. KoSTHB

    Simple: what's your favourite live album?

    i really like Kanye West Coachella live
  14. KoSTHB

    The Most Immoral Thing You've Done in a Video Game

    in oblivion with one of mine custom spells, for a good 20 minutes paralyze this one guy in mid sentence and knock him out dragged his body to the water and then repeat. but i also went around controlling the gate keeper with a beast taming spell and picked fights with the locals. my not be too...
  15. KoSTHB

    Poll: What typa girls do you like :D

    i would say all but i think some things are more attractive depending the race, white girls fair skin i also have a thing for gingers, black girls redbone besides that all is good :)