Recent content by krazymouse

  1. K

    Privacy in Schools

    Well, if everything is true, they have just broken about a couple laws there. Bring it up to the Principal and if he doesn't respond, take it to the local newspaper, and trust me, your teacher will lose his job REAL quick.
  2. K

    You are going to be killed by the last weapon you used in a game. How are you feeling?

    A zerg rush? Oh dear..... Better do a forge fast expand
  3. K

    The most ridiculous weapon you could create

    A gun that shoots a paintball. Once the paintball lands, a giant metallic spike comes out of the guy and impales him Also, a gun with a lag. You shoot someone, and they go "WTF? That gun didn't shoot anything!" and then their heads are blown off.
  4. K

    Why All the Hate on Naruto?

    That jump between the first generation of naruto and naruto shippuden. Are you seriously telling me that in the two years he went training with one of the greatest ninjas of that time... He didn't learn a single new skill? You'd expect him to come back knowing epic moves and skills, but...
  5. K

    If you had to invade Hell which fictional army would you use?

    ZERG RUSH!!! With Zerglings of course, they were raised on char, a lava planet.
  6. K

    Whatever happened to Extra Credits?

    Extra Credits left The Escapist due to a monetary dispute and now release their videos over youtube.
  7. K

    Former Impulse Boss Predicts GameStop Will Beat Steam

    If a monopoly isn't evil, don't try to cure it.
  8. K

    This whole "blaming fast food for obesity" thing really needs to stop.

    It's because America loves to sue corporations, that's mainly why.
  9. K

    Poll: Who WEARS wrist watches anymore?

    No one really wear them.... It is fact, why? Because we have time keeping devices called CELL PHONES
  10. K

    The reason why you should NOT buy Steam games

    There is your problem, Steam won't let people reactivate games again because if they did, it'd be easy to share games (piracy). So next time, buy your game when at home.
  11. K

    Your favorite character just got replaced with Charlie Sheen!

    No! Charlie Sheen is not Horatio Caine. No sunglasses for him
  12. K

    Your opinion on crossdressing This is my opinion on it
  13. K

    Worst game you bought at $60?

    Bioshock 2. Obviously
  14. K

    Videos that make you WTF!?

    What videos makes you just go WTF?! Keep it clean.. And please be more original than rick roll.
  15. K

    Best music you've ever heard in a game series?

    Shadow the Hedgehog, best soundtrack EVER! Especially Lava Shelter level