Recent content by Kukakkau

  1. Kukakkau

    Poll: Do you REALLY cry over Games,TV shows?

    Only if I get really invested and it's a well written hard hit. Anime wise I had the end of Anohana (at least I think I did, hard to remember) and naturally Clannad and it's infamous sunflower field/train scene. Game wise though, not really closest I got was the end Brothers: A Tale of Two
  2. Kukakkau

    Planetside 2: Removing the ability to crouch over corspes to prevent "sexually assaulting a corpse".

    They last until you get revived/respawn I think so they can last a while. With battles of hundreds vs hundreds taking place there's going to be a lot of areas in a firefight you can't crouch. Whoever thought this mechanic was a good idea is taking the piss, especially if it counts teammates...
  3. Kukakkau

    Just bought Dark Souls. Got any tips?

    Best tip is take your time and pay attention to what is around you - running in without a care is the biggest mistake you can make. Using a shield is really good for his since you can proceed with it raised in case of danger and can observe boss movesets cautiously before going on the attack...
  4. Kukakkau

    In defense of Dark Souls 2

    Not dismissing your opinions here, merely stating mine. Here we go: I had no issue with the idea that areas aren't directly connected (lost bastille requiring a boat/flight was fine), the main reason people don't like the way areas link is that the ones that are directly connected are such a...
  5. Kukakkau

    Looking for hide in plain sight games

    If that's what you're after you should try Prototype (either 1 or 2) since it's all about going in causing mayhem with powers, then when things get too hot grab someone, run away and steal their appearance. The first game you could even do that and when people came looking for you, you could...
  6. Kukakkau

    How do you personally define what a game is "worth"?

    Money spent vs enjoyment x time spent on the game. An example is Brothers: A Tale of Two - I had a lot of fun playing that game, but it only lasted like 2 hours. If it hadn't been on sale I wouldn't have thought it worth the price. Even if I find a game pretty dreary I find some comfort in...
  7. Kukakkau

    Suggest improvements for Steam.

    The ability to change the scale of the Steam interface without having to hunt down custom interface skins. This is for people who use things such as a TV as a monitor and would need to set the text size on windows (if they use that OS) to large. Now for some reason going from normal to large...
  8. Kukakkau

    (PC) Dark Souls II: Does anyone understand my pain?

    I found that a lot of times this would happen if you try to switch during an action, so I would always try to do nothing (except walk/run) when switching. Also there is the disc chime (I think it's called) that can be used as both shield and chime if you want to lessen that pain. OT my...
  9. Kukakkau

    Bosses that you JUST. CAN'T. BEAT.

    Can't really think of any bosses I've downright gone "I can't do this, I quit" But I guess recently it would have to be Black Dragon Kalameet in Dark Souls on New Game +. I had been noting down boss attempts between NG/NG+ on a table and it went from something like 2/1 for a lot of bosses to...
  10. Kukakkau

    The PC Version of Dark Souls 2 is lazy as hell

    Okay, I was trying to follow your argument here but you would never have finished an "unacceptable product", this is getting too dramatic. Now you mentioned the first game which means you must have known what the pc controls might be like, you should have been prepared for xbox controller...
  11. Kukakkau

    Best anime villain death?

    On a similar note I'm gonna have to pick one from Jormungand (same creators I believe)
  12. Kukakkau

    Dark Souls 2: Shade Forest and Lion Warriors

    You could try picking up a few pyromancy spells to try on them (I don't know if they are fire resistant) since they have no stat requirement to use, just the flame.
  13. Kukakkau

    Are achievements a good thing for games?

    I used to use achievements as sort of a guide to how much life I'd gotten out a game (encourages me to use weapons I normally wouldn't etc). But since I've moved on to pc games I've cared for them a lot less since it's mostly multiplayer games I play now.
  14. Kukakkau

    You're a Boss Fight . . .

    Gotta be this for me - calm start for the easy part/establishing the fight mechanics, then it picks up when it gets to the real stuff.
  15. Kukakkau

    New AAA steam release prices...

    I was surprised at the South Park price when I saw it but the Black Flag price I'm pretty sure was discounted before release, I don't know if it increased to £40 after that though. Other than that I've found most prices are lower than that of consoles on release (with exceptions of the usual...