Recent content by LaSelaMelvins

  1. L

    New ASIMO

    Remember the robot that couldn't walk up stairs without falling on his shiny, metal ass? Yyyyeeeeahhh, he's got a few upgrades since then.
  2. L

    Satanic Temple Unveils Baphomet Statue For Oklahoma

    Hey, what the fuck!!!!!!!!!! Get that down, or put up MY icon!!
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    New Electric Wizard Album! \m/

    ^ Certainly Rainbows Are Free and Pentagram have to be the other of the few.
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    Poll: As a Teenager, which did you watch more? Toonami, or MTV?

    Haven't really watched MTV since 2005, when Gorillaz released Demon Days and MTV played the fuck out of Feel Good Inc and DARE. Noodle was fuckin' hot, man. I mean I'm sure I glanced at it since then, but if I want a dose of pop culture, there's FUSE and AXS for that. I feel that the more I...
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    New Electric Wizard Album! \m/

    The doom-metal maestros are back! Frontman Jus Obern offered the following comment: "Our master plan is this...
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    Games people and/or critics were too hard on.

    Actually, Sonic the Hedgehog has this reputation. Sonic 06 is shit, but it is so infamous that the reality no longer matches the myth. Same with Unleashed.
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    Games people and/or critics were too hard on.

    Perfect Dark Zero. It's utter bullshit to the eighth power compared to Perfect Dark, and a review that got me kicked off a site proved it, but it's not the singularity of suck so, so many say it is. Now I'd like someone to delete my comment. I need to strangle myself and burn all copy of this...
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    Is EA Really That Evil?

    Ah, so EA is merely anti-consumer? By the way "evil" was more or less meant to be metaphorical. Besides being what a sizable portion of gamers describe them, that is. Nevertheless, this video remains the finest example of all things I could've read about EA...
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    AAA vs Indie (Yet somehow rambles on about rock music)

    Another controversial topic the internet proles and burzhui seem to be obsessed with is one that I'm finding eerily familiar to one that occured in the music industry not too long ago. You see, to those people not alive or capable of storing abstract memories at the time, there was the age of...
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    why do people still blame video games for real-world violence?

    The even more pathetic truth is that videogames, heavy metal, gangsta rap, violent cartoons and shows are blamed, yet mental health funding is cut. When historians look back, they'll find ample reasons why people purged the rich, specifically the governing kind, with wholesome unapologetic...
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    Is EA Really That Evil?

    Everyone here says they are not evil but instead acerbically greedy, so either everyone here is wrong or the Internet is drunk. I'm inclined to believe the latter. I've also seen much talk of Activision and Capcom being rivals to EA in terms of sheer nutbusting incompetence, in some form or...
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    Can you imagine 25 years from now...

    What will it be like 15 years from now?
  13. L

    Is EA Really That Evil?

    Yes, looking at EA's stock returns, I'm noticing that there does seem to be some naddling bits of desperation to gain money, and yet they seem to prefer "ignore the fattened cow, get the sheep!" by releasing hashed game after hashed game with experimentally, poorly received "money-making...
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    Is EA Really That Evil?

    Howdy. I run into EA hate threads every single day nowadays, and, while I have this tingling regret that I'll soon be smeared with my own malappropriate schizotypal wordings, I remember that they released immensely satisfying games for years ago. One of my favorite yet remains the original two...