Recent content by lastjustice

  1. lastjustice

    [Politics] Trump and Concentration Camps

    You haven't give back a single bit of logic than No you're wrong. Trump can be a raging asshole, but the difference is he actually denounces terrorists. (unlike the squad.) Yeah it's definitely an insult. I care...difference is I get off my ass and help people. Put my money where my mouth...
  2. lastjustice

    [Politics] Trump and Concentration Camps

    I come and go as my from this site as I feel like it. I happen be seeing alot of politic debates raging online, so like a moth to flame here I am. I don't recall you, but I appreciate the greeting. I don't play favorites.You seems a bit more reasonable for whatever that's worth. Not sure...
  3. lastjustice

    [Politics] Trump and Concentration Camps

    Everything...Including the economony and unemployment? Put an embassy in jerusalem, something presidents have been claiming they'd do for quite some time. He's actually getting stuff done, but sure let's claim everything is worse. You seem love hyperbole. If Trump is everyone hates who's not...
  4. lastjustice

    [Politics] Trump and Concentration Camps

    So rather this just continue be anti-trump nonsense spins it's wheels....Let's get the core of the matter. Saelune, what would you like to see happen to people who come here Illegally? If you were given power change policy to whatever you wanted...what would it be? Instead of just crying...
  5. lastjustice

    8 Pokemon Inspired by Real World Mythology

    The legendary trinity of the Ruby/S/E , Groundon, Kyorge and Rayquaza. It's modeled after the ancient 3 beasts of hebrew legend. Leviathan, Behemoth and Ziz. Rayuaza always takes elements from Aztec god Quetzalcoat. I'm sure there's tons of other mythlogy homages in pokemon besides these though...
  6. lastjustice

    *Your* Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Of All Time?

    1- Destiny...Most underwhelming game ever. no risks were taking in making this game. No flavor or texture to anything. The traveler...the darkness..The tower ..the's clear they spent their budget on their graphics not their writing staff. It's basically a crappier borderlands...
  7. lastjustice

    Why We Need To Recast Indiana Jones

    As a transformers fan I've been long accustomed to seeing my favorite characters reinvented more times than Madonna. With each version they usually introduce a few cool new ideas that stick, and a few stinkers that get swept under the rug. I see no harm in someone trying make a new Indiana Jones...
  8. lastjustice

    The Big Picture: Secret Crisis

    Hopefully they grab up some of the secondary universe characters like Spider-girl and American Dream since they're already going thru the effort of doing this.
  9. lastjustice

    The Big Picture: Dinosaur Exodus

    Jurassic Park has never been an accurate portrayal of dinosaurs or claimed to be. Veloiraptors sure as heck aren't the size they are in the movies to say that much.(but the breed that is that size is doesn't have as cool of a name.) The spitters or Dilophosaurus were much larger than the film...
  10. lastjustice

    How Interstellar Crashes in Its Third Act

    Well if Christopher Nolan ever became a super villain, you d be able to defeat him by getting him to monologue hehe.
  11. lastjustice

    Escape to the Movies: Big Hero 6 - Meet Disney's Animated Avengers

    I'm going take my sisters kids to go see this weekend. Being an uncle, the perfect to excuse to go see anything hehe.
  12. lastjustice

    The Big Picture: Remembering the Real Jack Thompson

    I haven't thought about Jack Thompson in years. Even when he was at the height of his popularity he carried little to no emotional charge. Some of his antics amused me, but I was never like "oh no, he's going destroy gaming as we know it !!!" Neither he or any other person that's turned up since...
  13. lastjustice

    The Big Picture: Real Cutie - Manga Turned Live Action

    Looks like a good movie to watch and drink a bunch of alcohol with my friends to.
  14. lastjustice

    Why Bleak Sci-Fi Flick District 9 Makes Guys Cry

    I find mind blowing anyone would register this guilt fest as plausible. If you knew right now some part of the world people out there are basically causing the apocalypse and you'd still back and just let it happen? Absolutely not. I know I sure as hell wouldn't let a bunch of gangsters and...
  15. lastjustice

    Batman v Superman's Move Matters, But Not for the Reason You Think

    I don't think the Dawn of Justice part is the problem. In fact that's what I refer to the film as's the entire mouthful that's the issue. Sounds like a Square kingdom hearts title... (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days ...What?!?) Had it been called Man of Steel or Superman: Dawn Of justice(or...