Recent content by ldjosh

  1. ldjosh

    The Escapist and BAWLS Guarana Commercial live!

    A seriously good energy drink. I've had the root beer Bawls, they're good, but I prefer the original. I've been buying Bawls since just after they came out. A friend of mine was a distributor for them shortly after they launched and I've been buying them by the case ever since. For you 21 &...
  2. ldjosh

    A good video editing program?

    windows provides it's own WMV encoder. if you go adobe, the media encoder it has is full featured, but VirtualDub is still faster and more lightweight. VDub is you source for compression for youtube. And not to be confused, "Movie Editor" for xp is Windows Movie Maker. @klc0100: It's montage...
  3. ldjosh

    A good video editing program?

    Fraps is a great program, but you might find a bit of a problem getting the videos it makes into certain other programs for editing. has a great codec pack for editing and viewing video, and it works well with virtual dub. a minute long fraps video (depending on...
  4. ldjosh

    A good video editing program?

    well it all really depends on what exactly you're looking to do. First of all, what did you capture the footage *with*. Fraps? You will probably want to cut it down to a more manageable kind of file (or codec). Go find VirtualDub. It's free and super powerful. I use it constantly for...
  5. ldjosh

    Greatest Martial Arts Films

    Ong Bak is one of my favorite films of all time. Jackie Chan's Police Story is another, though only a kinda martial arts film. Also, this thread is confusing if you thought the topic was Marital Arts.
  6. ldjosh

    Poll: Are you buying Left 4 Dead?

    My buddy Tom and I played the demo for several hours friday night. took a gajilliondy pictures, but put the notable ones up on my personal public image gallery. Game is definitely a buy it, even if you're a pirate. That wasn't supposed to rhyme...
  7. ldjosh

    The Escapist and BAWLS Guarana Commercial live!

    Just a quick question I'm afraid I might already know the answer too. Bawls is the beverage sponsor for and the Highscore tv show, of which i'm the writer, director, and one of the main talents. Would Lameduck Produdctions (the production group) be excluded from entering due to...
  8. ldjosh

    The Escapist Presents: The Escapist Film Festival

    Hey judges. Just wonderin'. I didn't check this thread till now, but there's nothing on the contest page about resolution. Mines 720x480, since it's the Adobe DV standard resolution. Is that going to be a real problem? I already submitted my entry and it would be a shame for it to get tossed for...
  9. ldjosh

    The Escapist Film Festival: Highscore Minis Hanoverfield

    Highscore Minis Hanoverfield It's the night of Devon's Bachelor party... but something goes terribly wrong! An old promise is broken, and a terrible evil is unleashed in downtown south central Pennsylvania! Staring Highscore's Josh, Eric, and Devon, don't miss the first of many Mini-episodes...
  10. ldjosh

    172: Heathens by Design

    Grasping at straws might even be a stretch. I'm seriously sick of The Escapist green lighting articles like this. It seems every issue has at least one article that's "Christians are dumb" or "Guys like boobs and sex". I would pay good money to see mario ***** slap this guy with a bible.
  11. ldjosh

    Zero Punctuation: LEGO Indy

    Clever as always. I liked Lego indy on the wii.
  12. ldjosh

    Zero Punctuation: Mailbag Showdown

    Thank god someone finally explained how useless numbers are in a review. Games can be 'reviewed' by a formula anymore. that might have worked in the vaguest of sense back in the 8 bit era, but today they're just too complex and diverse to award points to a game based on 'graphics' or 'music' or...