Recent content by lesterley

  1. lesterley

    Bring Your Daughter to Murder Day

    Is a sister/brother duo completely out of the question? (I'm an only child, by the way...)
  2. lesterley

    There's Nothing Good About Toxic Players

    Absolutely. I hate it when people call me a "man", despite the fact that I'm a woman. It's so completely insulting and degrading! /sarcasm
  3. lesterley

    Escape to the Movies: Pompeii

    Oh, come on, Movie Bob! The only -- THE ONLY -- thing you could say about BOTH of the women in "Guardians of the Galaxy" is that they're "hot"? REALLY? Seriously? That's the ONLY ADJECTIVE you could think of? Nothing else? That's really disappointing and I know you're capable of better.
  4. lesterley

    Don't Blame Games, Blame Pants

    I would like to further point out that 100% of those pant-wearing mass shooters were MALE! Furthermore, 97% of them are pant-wearing WHITE males. Obviously, the way to curtail gun violence is to enforce a No-Pant Rule for all white men.
  5. lesterley

    Oculus Rift Headset Simulates Beheadings

    I had the opportunity to try out the Oculus Rift VR headset last year when the creator stopped by the gaming studio where I worked. During the demonstration I was simply flying around a game environment in camera mode. At one point I accidentally got stuck halfway in the floor. The...
  6. lesterley

    Escape to the Movies: Spring Breakers

    So, is this movie going to make ANY sense to a 46-year-old GenX-er like myself? Because I'm still trying to understand the appeal of Napoleon Dynamite.
  7. lesterley

    The Half-Naked Elf Problem

    I think I just talked about this last week in my cartoon: I think I would be more comfortable with the sexual objectification of an MMO avatar if it was an equal-opportunity objectification. If YOU can have the choice of playing a half-naked FEMALE avatar, why...
  8. lesterley

    Escape to the Movies: Chronicle

    Why do you think it made the movie "better" by having all the protagonist be male? How would the movie have been inferior by having a predominantly female cast?
  9. lesterley

    Escape to the Movies: Chronicle

    Dude. Dude. Dude. I am so sick of every action/thriller/sci-fi/superhero movie being a giant bro-fest! Why couldn't at least ONE of the characters in this movie be a woman? Or how about 2 women and one guy? That would have been an interesting dynamic. But no... 99% of today's movies are...
  10. lesterley

    Escape to the Movies: Breaking Dawn, Part 1

    Ugh. The entire Twilight series makes me want to puke in feminist technicolor rage. Thanks for the review, Bob. I couldn't agree with you more.
  11. lesterley

    Stolen Pixels #258: Where the Boys Are

    Ah yes. I game that completely objectifies the female body. So you can only have a game with all-female characters if the main purpose of their existence is to appeal to the male gaze?
  12. lesterley

    Stolen Pixels #258: Where the Boys Are

    So the idea of making a game with all FEMALE characters is completely incomprehensible?
  13. lesterley

    Stolen Pixels #252: Tutorialized

    When I see games like this I always wonder what the designers were thinking when the created the tutorial. Do they have that little regard for their players? Did THEY find the gameplay fun? Were they watching "Regular Ordinary Swedish Mealtime" ( when they made...
  14. lesterley

    Stolen Pixels #248: HI MOM!

    Your "wild guess" would be wildly wrong. I have no children and never will.
  15. lesterley

    Stolen Pixels #248: HI MOM!

    This advertisement is incredibly insulting because it implies that mothers are... 1) Stupid 2) Naive 3) Gullible 4) Uninformed 4) Etc., etc., etc. Furthermore, this commercial also feeds into the popular "I had sex with your mother" insult that is popular among many young men and boys...