Recent content by lewpuls

  1. lewpuls

    Full Circle: A History of the Old School Revival

    I'm surprised to see that Hackmaster, which began as largely a copy of First Edition AD&D, is not mentioned. I haven't followed its development, but there is certainly a great mass of Hackmaster material in print (even a version of SpellJammer). I've not followed the "revival", but if I...
  2. lewpuls

    210: Memory Lane

    Interesting to see video games proposed as vehicles for imagination. Everything I've read or seen suggests that kids have much less imagination now because everything is supplied to them with the story already made (and often in viewable (which is to say, passive) form). Maybe the 8 bit...
  3. lewpuls

    206: Split|Screen

    The first four-player-on-one-screen game I played was Atari 2600 Warlords (1980-81): Dandy was much later. PCs allow in-the-room multi-player gaming across a LAN. 8 player Warcraft III, anyone? The key is that everyone has his own...
  4. lewpuls

    193: Internet Killed the Tabletop Star

    In the early 80s I thought RPGs and computers would kill boardgames, but it hasn't quite happened. Odd that now computers have helped "kill" RPGs, though I'd qualify that. Lots of people play, but they no longer buy lots of products. So many fanboys (and girls) are willing to write material...