Recent content by lillebille

  1. lillebille


    no gengar! stop hypnotising me dammit! yeah im screwed he is going to shadow punch me in the balls until i stop moving...
  2. lillebille

    You have been transformed into your avatar.

    im fredrico now great i have to stare at this green light for god knows how long *stares*
  3. lillebille

    Top 5 Characters

    1.Paper mario(paper mario series) 2.Travis touchdown(no more heroes games) 3.kirby(kirby series) 4.the scout(tf2) 5.olimar(pikmin games)
  4. lillebille

    Who here liked the Gamecube?

    i grew up with gamecube and nothing can make me hate it... sonic heroes doesnt count :/ edit: oh and my favourite game on the console is easily scooby doo night of 100 frights
  5. lillebille

    Your weapon in the zombie apocalypse. (with a twist)

    hah! i got and ipod the whole season one of transformers(original series)the movie skycrawlers by mamoru oshi a notebook and a spanish lexicon... oh and a glas pitcher...
  6. lillebille

    Why won't you Die Already!

    the final guy in ratchet and clanc a crack in time (cant remember his name) he wasnt hard but man that guy could take fortytwelwe rockets to the face and it didnt even scratch him... (i didnt have the rhino v on my first playthrough)
  7. lillebille

    270: The 12-Year-Old English Kid Who Carried Us to Victory

    that was great! ive had similar things happen to me in team fortress 2 but i think many people have...
  8. lillebille

    Review: Madden NFL 11

    aaw poor lordkat...i guess trolling really doesnt go to well here...
  9. lillebille

    Review: Madden NFL 11

    well i like monopoly...not the spinoff games but the original is pretty good
  10. lillebille

    Review: Madden NFL 11

    i second that but whit less hate more sadness...
  11. lillebille

    LoadingReadyRun: Videogame Fighting Tournament

    ofcourse they wont be able to get ruy the guy is to overbooked
  12. lillebille

    263: How I Gained and Lost an Empire

    awesometastic job on the article my lord! sounds kinda like my/yahtzees/others sim city games
  13. lillebille

    Shamus Plays: LOTRO, The Finale!

    aaw poor lulzy didnt get her man :C well thanks anyway for an epic adventure shamus!
  14. lillebille

    Shamus Plays: LOTRO, Part 24

    i hope you will do another LP with another class :b thanks for a great LP shamus
  15. lillebille

    Just when you think youve killed every creature in Fallout 3....

    well i was really scared shitless when i got to my first behemoth luckyly i had brought along my fancy brass knuckles so it wasn´t a problem.