Recent content by Link Satonaka

  1. Link Satonaka

    Game Theory: Which Link Rules Them All?

    You do realize that most Zelda games were created long before 2010, right?
  2. Link Satonaka

    8 Bit Philosophy: Do We Enjoy Being Free? (Sartre + Final Fantasy)

    Sorry I don't have anything to contribute to what looks like a very productive discussion, but I do have a question about 8 Bit Philosophy in general: is it just me, or do all the episodes feel one act too short? At least, this seems to be the case with the episodes I've seen (the ones uploaded...
  3. Link Satonaka

    Unskippable: Assassin's Creed Unity - Who Are the Bad Guys Again?

    Wait you're going to have to explain this to me- the animus allows you to relive the memories of a distance relative who died before procreating, but somehow the final memories are teleported into the surviving relative's DNA? Or similarly, existing offspring get the final memories of parents...
  4. Link Satonaka

    Game Theory: Which Link Rules Them All?

    THANK YOU. We need more people saying this. Every time there's a Zelda discussion on an internet community, I get accused of not being a "true fan" because I don't like the Hyrule Historia retcon. Imposing new meaning onto old works that simply wasn't there- that disrespects and devalues the old...
  5. Link Satonaka

    Zero Punctuation: The Order: 1886 - Steampunk Modern Warfare

    So the whole thing about the game being 30FPS because it's "more cinematic" (close to 24FPS) is just PR for "the console can't run the game at 60FPS", right? No one could actually be that stupid... right?
  6. Link Satonaka

    Game Theory: Candy Crush, Designed to Addict

    Only problem I have with this video is that candy crush reaches a much wider audience than just the people who could be described as "gamers" by any reasonably definition. Your average candy crush player and the "gamers" in the study are NOT equivalent. For my part, I was addicted to Tiny...
  7. Link Satonaka

    Game Theory: Are SMITE's Goddesses Too Sexy?

    I agree the lack of nudity has little bearing on sexualization, but the rest of your comment is naive and short sighted. So is the whole controversy, though. 1) Those classical works weren't old when they were created. 2) You can bet your bottom they are sexualized in the ideal of the time to...
  8. Link Satonaka

    Game Theory: Wii U is the New Virtual Boy

    Not to mention it's the only console pushing out games that run 60fps @ 1080p Yeah I know the reasons for it, but I'll take a high stable framerate over a slightly prettier slideshow. Some things I'd like to note about the video, and some things it failed to mention (I'm aware it's old): 1)...
  9. Link Satonaka

    Unskippable: Drakengard 3 - Oh God, There's So Much Blood

    I swear on my life, in one of the earlier levels an NPC shouted, "STOP HER, SHE'S AFTER OUR [printer] INK TONER" Seems like Paul and Graham might have [mis]heard the same thing :)
  10. Link Satonaka

    Game Theory: Why You Play Video Games

    Yeah I usually don't like game theory (but I watch them as they come out on the escapist so I can't say I dislike it too much), but this episode was really good. Also, I need to know what some of those dating sim games were. Because I'm relatedness! With a heavy dose of mastery and precision...
  11. Link Satonaka

    Just What Exactly Does the Triforce in Zelda Do?

    Well, remind me to congratulate the intern they hired to weave all the games together on his success in not contradicting himself. I think what he meant was that there are so many conflicting events that are "resolved" by the addition of many layers of intricate details- it's hard to swallow...
  12. Link Satonaka

    Just What Exactly Does the Triforce in Zelda Do?

    Oh I know, however my argument that "story was put aside for the purposes of gameplay" amplifies ad infinitum if you want to talk about the earliest titles. More accurately though, "The Legend of Zelda" is a NES game with a simple backstory. You don't have much depth of mechanics or story there...
  13. Link Satonaka

    Just What Exactly Does the Triforce in Zelda Do?

    You've not said anything that wasn't discussed in the article. You also seemed to have missed the entire point of the article as well, which was to discuss what these limits on the triforce are.
  14. Link Satonaka

    Just What Exactly Does the Triforce in Zelda Do?

    My sentiments exactly.
  15. Link Satonaka

    Just What Exactly Does the Triforce in Zelda Do?

    Not really- I grant that this is a lazy argument but a retold story over an infinite amount of time can become anything. It is far simpler an explanation, more elegant, allows for infinite creative license within each Zelda game, and retains a legendary, ancient atmosphere that Zelda...