Recent content by lordvader77

  1. lordvader77

    You now have three no strings attached wishes.

    1. Conjuration (conjure any object) 2. Teleportation (with clothes) 3. Time Control. Period. i think that pretty much covers everything.
  2. lordvader77

    Recommend One Album

    Somewhere in the Between, Streetlight Manifesto. Ska-punk music
  3. lordvader77

    The 3rd Annual The Escapist Film Festival Winner Announced

    awww, my video was a mash-up :( lolz i thought it was good anyway, congrats to all the winners
  4. lordvader77

    The Escapist Film Festival 2009: Technical Difficulties

    Technical Difficulties Q: What does your favorite network do when they lose the signal? A: They show this. This is a mash-up video of six comedic, video game & pop culture related skits. Made by the Nevada Union Film Club. Enjoy. Watch Video
  5. lordvader77

    Unforgotten Realms: Episode 44: A "New" Quest

    ok i'm sooooooooo confused: in the last episode [SPOILERS] timmy the "really nice guy" got transformed by the spell into timmy the evil. So, why in this episode were they saying that it was Nadar who was transformed, not Timmy? i rewatched both and i don't understand.
  6. lordvader77

    Why is Shadow of Colossus held in such high regard?

    ya i'd agree to that. Shadow of the colossus is a different kind of game. its not an rpg, but not really a sandbox much either. its an epic, yet simple, quest to save who u love by killing giant monsters. instead of dozens of enemies scattered everywhere, there are only, what is it, 16 i wanna...
  7. lordvader77

    9 year old rapes 6 year old does that....i mean....with the...and does that, you know...... personally, i think caning would be in order. and several months in prison with know contact. and counseling, a LOOOOOOOOOOOT of counseling. though castration would be an interesting punishment. it would...
  8. lordvader77

    Your favourite "WTF?!" Moments in gaming

    well, first would be Mercs 2. driving along in one of the escort missions where you have to drive the executive from point A to point b. Simple enough, right? So i'm driving along, haphazardly, when suddenly it says he dies. Mission end, restart. Do it again, this time get blown up randomly...
  9. lordvader77

    Whats your home town Famous for ?

    i live in Grass Valley, CA, a town that was like the major gold mining town back in the 1800's during the Gold Rush. Empire Mine and a bunch of other mines still exist her as, right now, tourist traps. But there's still mining junk ALL OVER THE PLACE also, i believe Chuck Yeager and Lyman...
  10. lordvader77

    Good PS3 Games!

    it depends what you're looking for: for shooters, go Killzone + Call of Duty 4 or World at War. For racing, go Motorstorm + Burnout Paradise. For sandbox, go Mercs 2 (though the AI sucks, but its still a fun little romp) + inFamous, and maybe Assassin's Creed. some other cool ones are Ratchet...
  11. lordvader77

    Page 56, Sentence 9?

    DO NOT throw your sword Ask A Ninja Handbook XD
  12. lordvader77

    Boy Kills Brother After Videogame Argument

    ya i blame the father. i wonder what game they were playing.....
  13. lordvader77

    And the stupid question award goes to.......

    also, a guy in my class once said the Jesus was a Chrisitan theres also a girl in my class who's a little spacey. We were talking about geography and she said "Wait, it snows in Arizona?!" She still doesnt know if it does or not, after much explaining *facepalm*. We convinced another girl...