Recent content by LtButtstrong

  1. LtButtstrong

    Old but gold - what are you playing?

    I started playing Homeworld again just so I could fight the Turanic Raiders for the first time. Again.
  2. LtButtstrong

    Favorite death scene in any medium?

    I'm surprised no one else posted this already, but the end of Cowboy Bebop. See you, space cowboy.
  3. LtButtstrong

    Your Favourite RTS Campaign?

    YES. Thank you, you ninja :P Having played and thoroughly enjoyed the entire Homeworld series Cataclysm was by far my favourite, taking everything that made the original great and just making it better and if I were going to replay a Homeworld game anytime soon it would be that one.
  4. LtButtstrong

    Game series you think needs a reboot.

    Vampire: The Masquerade dammit! Bloodlines remains one of my all-time faves, out of hundreds of games. I don't see it happening though.
  5. LtButtstrong

    the most one sided fight you had in a game

    Most one-sided fight in may favour that I remember has gotta be the final boss of Shadow Hearts if you had the final fusion, where you can beat "Metagod" in one move using the proper items and he's no challenge at all even if you don't. As for the enmy's favour, it's gotta be in both Final...
  6. LtButtstrong

    Your Personal Best Videogame Opening of All Time?

    I always have trouble picking a single favourite, and many I would've picked have been mentioned already. A sincere thank you to those who posted the vids for Soul Reaver, Dawn of War, Homeworld and the MechWarrior games! I'm going to add the Darksiders intro scene as a more recent favourite...
  7. LtButtstrong

    What is your favorite spaceship?

    I was surprised it hadn't been mentioned yet. Having had time to think it over, I'd have to say it's my all-time favourite spaceship, for the reasons I already mentioned. And to be fair mate, you provided a much better picture that I did, so thanks for that :) Oh, and to contribute to the...
  8. LtButtstrong

    What is your favorite spaceship?

    Loving this thread, and there are too many to choose from so I'm just going to add some favourites that haven't already been mentioned (unless I missed them). Although someone already mentioned the Sylpheed, which was what I had in mind until I read his post :P Taiidan Heavy Cruiser, from...