Recent content by lukenhiumur

  1. lukenhiumur

    Westboro Baptist Chruch is coming to my town...

  2. lukenhiumur

    What do you sleep in?

    A bed
  3. lukenhiumur

    Beating Bosses or Solving Puzzles in Ways Never Intended.

    Magicka-when I fought the orc king(or general, i dont remember) he ended up outside of the map and died instantly. It was hilarious.
  4. lukenhiumur

    Games that weren't what you expected

    Far Cry 2. I was expecting a fun experience, instead I got an annoyingly large map to traverse and a story that was just bad.
  5. lukenhiumur

    Let's Play!

    Anything done on the Yogscast is usually pretty funny.
  6. lukenhiumur


    OMG THIS GAME IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!1111!!!1 But seriously it's a fun game, 2d minecraft with magic and special weapons. I had problems playing online at first, but if you run it through Hamachi or something like that it works great. Definitely worth buying.
  7. lukenhiumur

    Who Can Beat Alex Mercer?

    the goddamned batman.
  8. lukenhiumur

    ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! Quick, transform into your favourite anime or gaming character

    Probly said before but Goku would pwn the zombie apocalypse.
  9. lukenhiumur

    What does your Minecraft base say about you?

    I tend to build giant towers. I like towers.
  10. lukenhiumur

    Best surprise games your parents bought you

    One year I got a couple of 360 games for christmas, which I thought sucked because my relatives bought a game for the wrong console. The very last present I opened was a new 360. Best christmas ever.
  11. lukenhiumur

    Minecraft-like game, except 2d!

    looks pretty fun
  12. lukenhiumur

    Battle cry

  13. lukenhiumur

    I don't play on a PC so suck it!

    Not too be rude, but in the future your arguement might be taken better if you write it in an understandable way.
  14. lukenhiumur

    Worst Names For A Stripper

    Herpy McDerpenstein sounds pretty sexy.
  15. lukenhiumur

    You have just KILLED your avatar!

    I don't think it's physically possible to kill tenacious D. They have mind bullets