Recent content by M4rsch

  1. M4rsch

    Counter Strike: GO Goes Free This Weekend

    Friendly piece of advice to all those who plan to try it out this weekend. Don't. The last 5 matches I played were crowded with cheaters. Since creating steam accounts gives you free access to cs:go, bans hold no fear for the likes of them. The response time of a report is a day or two...
  2. M4rsch

    5 Tiny Things I Hope Get Changed in Skyrim

    Proper arrow speeds. Ye gods REALISM anyone?
  3. M4rsch

    Extra Punctuation: Roleplaying Homosexual in Dragon Age 2

    Thanks and Kudos to Yahtzee for bringing some valid and genuinely intriguing points into this tiresome debate. Really, I wonder homo- and heterosexual alike will in 50 years or so stop to conjure up these 'disputes' about whoms right it is or not to put what's his where he wants it. People...
  4. M4rsch

    Games That Time Forgot

    Totally missed the Legacy of Kain series there. I never quite understood why that one ended. Or turned into combat based crap for that matter...
  5. M4rsch

    New "Shockwave" Engine Design Solves Energy Crisis

    I lol'd at "almost $4 a gallon"...
  6. M4rsch

    Console Gaming

    Me likey! Yahtzee put down some pretty valid points in that last part of his.
  7. M4rsch

    Critical Miss: God Emperor of Steam #4

    So much death... What can man do against such evil?
  8. M4rsch

    Crysis 2 Leak Not As Bad As First Thought

    50 bucks say that Crysis 2 will be the most pirated game in 2011.
  9. M4rsch

    Crysis 2 Dev Urges Fans Not to Pirate the Game

    Pff... why would I want to play a half finished game? I would've bought codblops to do that. I'll wait for the release to not buy it.
  10. M4rsch

    What Minecraft Is Missing

    What the fuck Yahtzee?! Making suggestions? Whatever happened to the unlimited hatred for all beings dwelling on this dirtball? You had the snap and spoke from all our wretched much-disappointed gamerhearts. We wanted revenge for every half assed sequel out there and in a small but...
  11. M4rsch

    Zero Punctuation: Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Ahh... feeling better now.
  12. M4rsch

    Stolen Pixels #218: Now Hiring

    Best input so far. Best Star Wars the Force Unleashed comic so far.
  13. M4rsch

    Yahtzee Wrote a Book

    Good grief, Yahtzee...
  14. M4rsch

    Zero Punctuation: Splinter Cell: Conviction

    FUCK YES! Yahtzee is BACK!