Recent content by Macheteswordgun

  1. Macheteswordgun

    Scientists Create Deus Ex-Style Biofuel Battery

    Some might say with this logic.... /sunglasses It will blow your head off your shoulders YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  2. Macheteswordgun

    kotor 1 vs kotor 2

    Basically what this person said cept there was a glitch some kinda mask or helmet gave the ability to use lightsabers so at one point in time i had my mandalore dual wielding lightsabers. I liked him being melee more than ranged
  3. Macheteswordgun

    Escapist! What mouse pad are you using?

    Got an old fashioned musepad but its iron maiden the trooper
  4. Macheteswordgun

    New Drugs May Extend Our Lifespan to 150 Years

    I barely want to live on this planet anymore let alone live that long....
  5. Macheteswordgun

    Know Any Good Books?

    Eragon ohwait I would say the artemis fowl books are pretty good for something off the top of my head
  6. Macheteswordgun

    [IGN]Top Five Reasons Dark Souls Will Eat Skyrim's Face

    Hey IGN looks like you have some of Dark Souls dinner left on your nose /Sunglasses /Superman flying away Despite the joke that does seem quite a bit biased and half the time he praises ES for something then goes on a rank about something else and just throws dark souls the win
  7. Macheteswordgun

    World of Warcraft these days

    Don't bother really i only started at the end of wrath but listening to my brother about the old days it was a lot better, now there kind of catering to the casuals and throwing in filler content patches and not caring about pvp etc etc
  8. Macheteswordgun

    What are you asking Santa for this year?

    Qft my brother, Qft.
  9. Macheteswordgun

    Thoughts on Terraria?

    Well i totally misread that and thought you were talking about teranova, so everyone else in the thread below me is awesome and didn't misread unlike me and i love you so and moo
  10. Macheteswordgun

    Somebody died of spontaneous combustion in Ireland...

    Well his friends always said he had an.... /sunglasses EXPLOSIVE PERSONALITY
  11. Macheteswordgun

    Somebody died of spontaneous combustion in Ireland...

    I guess you can say.... /sunglasses He went out with a bang! All humor aside thats very interesting to say the least
  12. Macheteswordgun

    Poll: ocarina of time or majora's mask?

    I loved both but the slight edge goes to ocarina of time abiet i think MM had better places characters and a little better "atmosphere" and backstory, The only reason i give it to that is its a classic, a bit longer, and no time limit
  13. Macheteswordgun

    Poll: Is It Weird When Men Love Cats?

    I love pussy......cats. But all jokes aside i prefer the way they act and what they tend to do when it comes to being house hold animals compared to other pets
  14. Macheteswordgun

    Twin Threesome Fantasy

    Been there done that, don't do it, it might have unforseen consequences