Recent content by MachoNacho95

  1. M

    Judging By The Cover: Judging The Beatles White Album

  2. M

    Quantum Break Confirmed for Windows 10

    Fuck Windows 10. I am not updating to that OS until I absolutely have to. It's Windows Vista all over again and it's sickening. Microsoft can go and fuck right off with their exclusive bullshit.
  3. M

    The Choice - These Films Must Be Stopped!

    Just put your foot down and tell them you won't go. Simple as that. I know it might sound rude but it's the right thing to do. You're not doing them or yourself any favors by going to a movie you hate.
  4. M

    Deadpool Will Get A "Raw" Director's Cut, Despite R-Rating

    Germany doesn't give a fuck if a movie is violent/sexual or whatever, they only really censor videogames.
  5. M

    Spotlight - Damning the Catholic Church

    Don't judge a movie by it's trailer. That doesn't mean anything. "Drive" for example had an absolutely terrible trailer, that made it look like Transporter, which actually made many people mad, because they watched it and expected a popcorn flick and what they got was an arthouse movie.
  6. M

    Unskippable: Far Cry 4 - This Won't Get Weird

    You guys should really do a third video where you wait for Pagan Min to come back and get the Alternate Ending..
  7. M

    Critical Missmass

    She is watching "Die Hard", the original Christmas Movie.