Recent content by Magicman10893

  1. Magicman10893

    Minecraft on console...why?

    Because my $500 laptop from 3 years ago can only play it on Tiny render distance with tons of lag while my $300 Xbox from 7 years ago can play it perfectly fine right out of the box with a much better render distance, better graphical settings, and with the only lag being caused by network...
  2. Magicman10893

    DC Comics Wants You To Draw Naked Female Suicide

    So... let me get this straight... Everyone is pissed off because she's naked... in a bathtub? I don't see the problem here. So that leaves people upset that this panel is more serious than the other wacky, over the top dark humor panels. I can already picture Harley Quinn releasing the cord to...
  3. Magicman10893

    Share Your Game Ideas

    1) A free roaming crime game (GTA, Saints Row) with RPG elements. You choose a player class based around different types of criminals that have a noticeable effect on abilities, a background that effects starting stats, and a type of gang for you to run. You choose the gang colors, activities...
  4. Magicman10893

    Controversial God of War: Ascension Trophy To Be Renamed

    That is not the point he was clearing up. The trophy refers to the actions of Orkos, who after sympathizing with Kratos, betrays the Furies to help Kratos. The phrase itself, "Bros before Hos," is used when deciding to favor one's male friend (Bro) over a female (Ho*). In this context, the...
  5. Magicman10893

    On Difficulty and the State of Gaming.

    The key difference is that the "before Dark Souls" statement was referring to games being dumbed for the entire audience, such as Mass Effect 2 and 3 having more watered down RPG elements for everyone that plays them, thus ruining the experience for the RPG fans that were with Mass Effect to...
  6. Magicman10893

    That's not a plot hole!

    People like to take lousy shots at Mass Effect 3 ever since the ending in order to justify their "Bioware sucks and Mass Effect is ruined" opinion. One of my most annoying ones was the fact that there were only 3 Ardat-Yakshi in Mass Effect 2 and then in Mass Effect 3 there was a monastery for...
  7. Magicman10893

    EA fail at posting fake praise? (In fact EA fanpage)

    I wonder if their constant failures in marketing is just a ploy to make us feel sorry for them and buy their games out of pity.
  8. Magicman10893

    Dead Space 3, and why it's a better game than most would have you see it.

    You guys did an amazing job and deserve better than the unfounded hatred that the internet has spewed from its loud, obnoxious mouth. OT: I am also one of the people that didn't really find the Dead Space games scary. I played Dead Space 2 first, and then played Dead Space 1. I found Dead...
  9. Magicman10893

    Mass Effect 1 may have the best combat in the series.

    I feel the need to shake your hand. Thank you for saving me the trouble of writing all of this down! In addition, the weapons in ME1 had no variety to them. They all looked roughly the same (two different models for each of the 4 types of weapons) and all had the same firing animations and...
  10. Magicman10893

    Gearbox President: "I Have Always Profited From Criticism"

    Anymore I hate Randy Pitchford. I remember how awesome he was from those Borderlands 1 videos where he humorously explained how his game was for the hardcore gaming audience and not the "casual-I-only-play-CoD-and-smartphone-games" audience. Now he's just a lying asshole. Also, my real reason...
  11. Magicman10893

    What made you happy today?

    I made a Javelin Gun in Dead Space 3 today and launched enemies across rooms and nailed them to walls and that amused me more than it should have. Also, I got to reconnect with a couple old friends, or whatever.
  12. Magicman10893

    Poll: Videogame endings and youtube.

    I usually look up endings to games I either don't really want to play/finish or if the game has multiple endings and I don't really care to play again or if I don't know how to achieve it. For instance, I looked up the Legendary ending to Halo 1 because I couldn't beat it myself, but I...
  13. Magicman10893

    GameStop Warns Against Anti-Used Game Technology

    As biased as Gamestop can be in this situation, they are absolutely right. If the next Xbox has this always on DRM I will not buy it. Ever. If the next Xbox has this DRM and the next Playstation doesn't, you can bet your ass that I'll be ditching Xbox for Playstation (and vice-versa). Hell, I...
  14. Magicman10893

    Jim Sterling says PS+ humiliates the game industry

    I stick with Xbox Live because I just like the system better. My friends all play on Xbox and we use the party chat system all the time. That being said... I FUCKING HATE Xbox Live. I don't have PS+ because I hardly play my PS3, but the $60 for a year of Xbox Live is a ridiculous price for...
  15. Magicman10893

    Would you support this law?

    These two videos pissed me off far more than they should have in hind sight. I sat there for a good 5 minutes making a low growling sound in sheer anger. I think a blood vessel popped in my brain and I'm slowly dying from blood loss. OT: I don't think this "points" law should be made, unless...