Recent content by MagicMouse

  1. MagicMouse

    Curious Hate

    Why would you want a tactical 30-30? Like...what's the point? 30-30 is a hunting round, you don't need telescoping stocks and plastic to cut weight. someone mentioned backpacking, but other than that... The reason people are hating this is because it doesn't fit. For a tac weapon lever...
  2. MagicMouse

    Whats the Hardest Metal You Listen to?

    I usually listen between 7 and 9. 7: Nightwish 8: Ensiferrum 9: Eluveitie But every now and then I like some 10 like "Chelsea Grin"
  3. MagicMouse

    You have the power to bring back one cancelled TV show...

    Stargate Universe needs to be forgotten in my opinion. Regardless of any merit the show may have had, it wasn't a true part of the franchise. If anything it was part of Battle-star Galactica. Bring back Stargate SG-1!
  4. MagicMouse

    English Breakfast!

    The breakfast in that pic looks absolutely disgusting. I guess it is true that English cooking is terrible, lol. French Toast with peanut butter, and homemade maple syrup is clearly superior.
  5. MagicMouse

    Snape kills Trinity with Rosebud (the wacky spoiler collection page)

    Oh cool! I'm going to spoil Neon Genesis Evangelion!!!! So, the
  6. MagicMouse

    Bands you liked or respected until...

    Nightwish. I used to WORSHIP that band. Now with the release of the new album "Imaginaerum" I see them as traitors. They went from THIS: To THIS: Um, well I guess the album is too new to be on youtube,'s bad, trust me. XD
  7. MagicMouse

    So I've got a virus....

    I don't personally get any nasty viruses, maybe a Trojan here and there. However, some of the ones I have removed form clients' PC's have been really nasty. The worst one was the latest form of windows 7 rootkit. Virtually impossible to remove without reformatting. Apparently the point of the...
  8. MagicMouse

    Forced to watch

    Star Wars prequels. I can stand 1 and 2 just for the battle scenes and Episode 3 is actually very good in my opinion.
  9. MagicMouse

    What do you think is the best sub-genre of metal?

    Symphonic. Sweeping orchestral movements, full Latin choirs, deep sophisticated growls, and heavy guitars all combine to become awesome.
  10. MagicMouse

    Rumor: Dragon Age Getting Multiplayer

    I like multi-player and want to see it in more RPG's. However, arena based multi-player is a fail. What I want is co-op.
  11. MagicMouse

    Imperials or Stormcloaks?

    Mage College isolationist is my choice. Who needs politics when you have magics?
  12. MagicMouse

    Why it is acceptable to criticize smokers, but not fat people?

    Because I don't gain weight and start wheezing when I sit next to a fatty.
  13. MagicMouse

    Don't wear the American Flag on your shirt in California schools, you might offend the Mexicans.

    That's my opinion, not a "fact". If it was a fact I would have cited it, of that you can be sure. Though, you cannot deny that when it comes to making laws that contradict the Constitution, they are top dog, at least as far as States go.
  14. MagicMouse

    Don't wear the American Flag on your shirt in California schools, you might offend the Mexicans.

    It's California, what can you do? They are the most anti-US government in North America. *shrugs* But schools are schools and they need to react specifically to their students. Since it was a problem before, they needed to do something.
  15. MagicMouse

    Why DO people hate Nickelback?

    I don't have the patience to argue with people who go around saying that the things I state are my opinion. Of course they are. You come up with a good reason as to why Nickleback is a BAD band (as if it is actually possible for a band to be bad) and THEN we can have a conversation about this...