Recent content by Manni

  1. Manni

    8 Cartoon Network Shows That You Should Watch

    No "Sheep in a city"? For shame! Still, good, interesting list. Also, out of recent CN stuff, Steven Universe is pure gold. Such a lovely, smart show.
  2. Manni

    Gary Oldman Slams "Political Correctness," Calls Dark Knight Movies "Work"

    Of course they have the right to say it. It's a free world, most of it at least. That's just make them stupid, intolerant, cruel people. I just don't believe there's any possible explanation for calling someone racial/homophobic slur, no matter how angry you are. It's just a matter of culture...
  3. Manni

    Gary Oldman Slams "Political Correctness," Calls Dark Knight Movies "Work"

    Of course Gary Oldman says something like "political corectness is bullshit!" and "you have the right to use racial/homophobic slurs when you're mad!" everyone cheers to that "yeah show them Gary!".
  4. Manni

    Jimquisition: So, That Facebook And Oculus Rift Thing...

    My point exactly. Just saying ;).
  5. Manni

    Jimquisition: So, That Facebook And Oculus Rift Thing...

    Gonna post it here, because hey why not. Jim, is there any way you can enlist (in credits) the titles of the games you are showing through the episodes? Some of them are recognizable, some are not, but seems interesting/odd/insane/worth further look. It's a small thing but clears things up...
  6. Manni

    Hayao Miyazaki Fan Creates Miya-san Figurine, Available for Preorder

    Honestly - who does believe that Miyazaki is too creative to give up just now and after a while he gets tired of doing nothing and get back to work? Just wishful thinking...