Recent content by Mau95

  1. Mau95

    How many bookmarks do you have?

    Alright guys, don't freak out... I have about twenty thousand. I just bookmark anything that seems interesting.
  2. Mau95

    Critically acclaimed 'mother!' by D. Aronofsky rated a foreboding 'F' with CinemaScore's US audience

    It's weird, reviews have been either really positive or really negative, I'm told.
  3. Mau95

    So in an alternate Universe and you could " walk a day in their shoes"

    Do you think some people with body dismorphia would start committing specific crimes to come closer to the body they feel they're meant to have?
  4. Mau95

    Tracer #Buttgate - Shots fired by professional cosplayer at Heroes Championships

    Most people have nothing important left in their lives, but they still need something to focus on. So we end up with this.
  5. Mau95

    Poll: Do you look at yourself in the morning?

    Of course I do, for washing my face and combing my hair. There's a large mirror in my bathroom though, it's impossible not to look into it when in the bathroom.
  6. Mau95

    Is this how we should handle Dick Pics?

    That's basically slut shaming.
  7. Mau95

    The Ethics of "Project Harpoon"

    I thought it was kind of funny. "Be careful what you put on the Internet, because you're probably never going to get it off of the Internet again" is like one of the top five rules of the Internet. Look both ways before crossing the street, don't just run into oncoming traffic.
  8. Mau95

    Should people lose access to a game because of how they act?

    If they are breaking the Terms and Conditions they agreed to, I can see why they might.
  9. Mau95


    Saved so I can use it as ammunition.
  10. Mau95

    Poll: Do you know the words to your national anthem?

    Other: I knew it completely once, now I could sing the start and the ending but not the middle parts of the Brabançonne.
  11. Mau95

    There seems to still be a lingering concept that things guys do need to be "manly" or "not girly"

    "Manly tears" and whatever are just memes, attempts to get the top comment. Who cares?
  12. Mau95

    So you're watching porn...

    Complain that they didn't knock. Also, why are they here? Would they like something to drink?
  13. Mau95

    What was the first video game you ever played?

    Some Disney painting/coloring game for PC. That, or a Bionicle game I got from cornflakes, I think.
  14. Mau95

    Who is the best fictional swordsman of all time?

    This is a pretty tough choice considering some of the feats anime characters can pull, and some of those might not even be possible outside their respective universes. So it's basically the everyman of weapons. The Mario, the Jack of all Trades. OP mentions Black Swordsman era Guts...
  15. Mau95

    Poll: The 12-year old Screaming Kid Myth

    I thought it was 13 year-olds. That's how I hear it most of the time, at least.