Recent content by meatloaf231

  1. meatloaf231

    Movie Trailers: Bad Milo - Red Band Trailer

    ... Alright. Sure. This exists. Why not.
  2. meatloaf231

    George Lucas Says J.J. Abrams Still Hasn't Called

    Seriously. Even if Abrams might not be the best person to do Star Wars, he's better than New George Lucas over there.
  3. meatloaf231

    Might & Magic X Legacy Debuts Via Unexpectedly Pretty Trailer

    Absolutely. It's really impressive to see the kind of sway that small studios can have in the greater scheme of the industry these days.
  4. meatloaf231

    Watch This Robodog Throw Concrete Blocks Like Toys

    And here I thought Big Dog was terrifying enough. Nope. They went and gave it a claw instead of a head. Excellent.
  5. meatloaf231

    Military Laser Slices Steel 1km Away

    Let me get this straight. Humanity just made a laser that we then used to blow up robots.
  6. meatloaf231

    XCOM Players Discover Bonus Campaign Mode

    I'm not really sure that combining all of these at once would be a good idea, but hey, a lot of them are quite a nice dose of "No, you get screwed this time. Sorry." that the first games did have. Especially the random rookie stats. I love that. In opposition to my own bias towards Tough...
  7. meatloaf231

    Poll: Has the Escapist community changed? Or is it just me?

    The ol' "USE THE SEARCH BAR" refrain has had a good run, hasn't it?
  8. meatloaf231

    Notch Steps Down as Lead Developer on Minecraft

    No, they'll just go back to blaming Gabe Newell. GABEN!
  9. meatloaf231

    Beyond Black Mesa Director Returns With Half-Life: Origins

    Because there's absolutely no situation in the world that can preclude looking fabulous.
  10. meatloaf231

    Serious Animes

    This man speaks truth.
  11. meatloaf231

    Poll: Is It Weird When Men Love Cats?

    You said more or less what I was going to say about gender roles except with more swearing.
  12. meatloaf231

    My New Hobby (XKCD Style)

    That's the best kind of revenge!
  13. meatloaf231

    Can YOU handle the heat?

    Nope nope nope. I can't do heat. Not a bit. I mean, I don't die in it or anything, I get a fan like everyone else. But I never want it, and I'm never comfortable in it. People always say "Oh just wait until it's thirty below zero, then you'll be whining for the heat to come back." Nope. I...
  14. meatloaf231

    I have zero faith in humanity...

    Well put, Danny.
  15. meatloaf231

    Tried "Gamification" in my classroom.(Check updated post 283 for User Group info, it's now ready)

    Awesome. It would vary greatly, as folks have said, based on the age group, among other things. However, it's great to see people actually trying this stuff. For SCIENCE!