Recent content by Mikkel421427

  1. Mikkel421427

    So... What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

    Well, in my country, Valentine's was yesterday (the 14th), and I spent that playing in a Netrunner tournament
  2. Mikkel421427

    Is Trashtalk An Essential Part Of Online Games?

    I am partial to the occasional wisecrack, mainly since I'm from a country where, if somebody's fucking up in a way that's obvious to everyone, bad humour would be seen as going "You're shit!", but good humour would be to ask "So... How do you think it's going?". Possibly while looking over their...
  3. Mikkel421427

    Poll: Are you as sick of Star Wars as I am?

    Both yes and no. Sick of Star Wars in and of itself? No, not really, I think it's solid, if a bit weird, but it's a child of its age and thus a bit quirky. It's nice, it's solid and it has a certain appeal to it, in the kind of "I like Dungeons & Dragons, but now if only it was a more sci-fi-ish...
  4. Mikkel421427

    Any games that would make decent Radio Dramas?

    Bastion or Transistor. Simply due to the fact that Logan Cunningham would have to voice them and *droooooool*...
  5. Mikkel421427

    Antagonists You Liked More Than The Protagonist?

    I would like to give a shout-out to Hades from Disney's Hercules. It's been a while since I watched it, but I must admit, I found Hercules to be boring, a decent hero, but a bit predictable, where as Hades... Hoo-boyo. I'm not entirely sure if I would mind all that much to go to hell if he's the...
  6. Mikkel421427

    Unfortunately Dead or Dying Series

    Hm... Honest? The Black and White series. Hold up! I know what you're thinking! Either it's "But there's Godus!" or "But Peter Molyneux tends to be full of shit!". Don't care. Black and White 2, I could spend ages in, just managing my little village, patrolling borders with my military and...
  7. Mikkel421427

    Things we miss from old games.

    Easy. Manuals. Not the pisstake, little, weedy pamphlet, no. That big, nice and thick one where all (And I mean ALL) the controls were in, the combos and perhaps, most importantly, an explanation of the different characters and/or units in the game. Made for some nice reading while waiting for...
  8. Mikkel421427

    What Makes A Game Truly Pretentious

    My understanding of the word "Pretentious" is something pretending to be one thing and then being another thing... And then failing to be that thing. Let's bring out the old chestnut Spec Ops: The Line. Spec Ops: The Line is technically pretentious, since it pretends to be a mediocre shooter...
  9. Mikkel421427

    Keyboard Schmeyboard

    *looks up* That's... A slightly odd title... Meh. Either way. I have a friend (yeah, who knew?) who has something called dyspraxia. For those of you who are not in the know, that means that he has the hand-eye coordination of a grapefruit. While he is training his coordination, there's still a...
  10. Mikkel421427

    Am I Insane?

    Of course you're not insane. I mean, I talk to myself all the time. Sometimes, I just need a professional opinion.
  11. Mikkel421427

    Hands down the greatest Cosplay I have ever seen.

    The only immediate problem I can see with it is that it's not really to size... But that's it
  12. Mikkel421427

    Have you been arrested?

    Not gotten arrested per se, but I did have a rather interesting encounter with the police once... One dark and stormful night... Except, it wasn't stormful at all and hardly dark. Clear skies and a nice large moon. Great for riding home on your bicycle! Or so I thought... Until... The police...
  13. Mikkel421427

    Things that took you a million years to realize

    That one's easy. From the point that I started watching the IT Crowd that Moss' Hair is an actually an afro... With a sideparting. Took me 2 years to figure that one out. I always just thought someone had nutted up cutting the poor guy's hair.
  14. Mikkel421427

    Card Games and you!

    I got a free one for you! It's called Cards against Humanity. Lovely game, lots and lots of fun (provided you have lots and lots of dark humour) and it has a twin on the web! It's even free if you want it in print! (In theory, you still have to pay for the supplies to get it printed, possibly...
  15. Mikkel421427

    Learning from the Internet

    I learned lots and lots and lots of random stuff. Mainly from watching QI on YouTube. Thank you, Stephen Fry!