Recent content by minkr1

  1. M

    Poll: Is 40K serious?

    i think that the question is flawed. it presupposes that it can't be taken seriously. a better one would be 'do you take the 40k universe seriously?' even then the question is difficult because i do and don't. i'm reading the Horus heresy series at the moment, and i find it to be written with...
  2. M

    What I find wrong with Jim Sterling

    i feel as if the time for this debate has past. my problem is summed up on his video for duke nukem where he said the problem with duke is that were supposed to find him cool rather than cool in an ironic way both of which the game fails to do. i left a comment saying something along the...
  3. M

    308: The State of Gaming Nature

    even more to the point is how games are effected by philosophy, morality and politics. (the most important thing is that the sentence still works if you replace the word 'games' with the word 'art')