Recent content by MintyNinja

  1. M

    Space Janitors: Episode One

    Okay, I think I'll be honest here. I didn't care going into this video, and I didn't care coming out of it. The dialogue felt... forced. I think that's the word I wanna use. And did anyone else think the video seemed... slower(?) than expected? All in all, it didn't catch my attention. I'm...
  2. M

    Destruction magic in Skyrim.... oh dear.

    I can't ever get into playing a Mage. My aim isn't that great and I end up killing companions more than enemies. However, why don't you try using lower level spells and such? Does that Draugr Wight really need a Fireball? Couldn't a Fire Rune and a Firebolt hurt just as much?
  3. M

    A little advice about one of our players...

    How about a scenario such as: Chasing Kobolds through a tunnel, then net trap, then Ilithid (that just so happened to be leading this group of Kobolds). You and the other players save the day, do epic things, and generally treat him to his own show. If he doesn't get the point, hit him with...
  4. M

    Han Solo Joins Ender's Game Cast

    This is because the "sequels" were a standalone series before he wrote Ender's Game as we know it. He was struggling with his main protagonist and decided to re-use Ender, but while doing this, he had to turn the short story into the novel that we now have. So he got all his practice in first...
  5. M

    Things that Skyrim Needs

    Wow, I like a lot of these ideas. I'll add my two cents I suppose: -Warfare content: I haven't finished the main storyline mainly because I get the impression that there's no real sense of "need" once the major conflicts are resolved. I'd like to build up a few cities or sabotage a wall here...
  6. M

    Those "fish-bird-snake" puzzles in Skyrim

    Just a random guess, was it Snake, Bear, Fox, Wolf?
  7. M

    What's the greatest weakness of your Skyrim character?

    I've got an Argonian Assassin/Thief and I can pretty much 1-hit anything IF I'm sneaking and undetected. IF I am not, then anything heavily armored will rip me a new one...
  8. M

    You Skyrim Backstory...

    Black-Ice, an Argonian abnormally well-suited for the colder climes of Skyrim, was captured after a bear had slashed up his face. The Stormcloaks saved him, but he was unconscious at the time. Typically preferring to go unnoticed, he immediately turned towards Riften the moment he left Helgen.
  9. M

    Skyrim. R.I.P. Companions.

    Thank you Lydia for keeping my house in Whiterun tidy. I don't bring companions on assassinations. Or heists. Or walks. Stay at home and don't touch my stuff!
  10. M

    If you are not playing Modern Warfare 3, what are you playing instead?

    Seems that the vast majority of us are waiting for Skyrim. That's a good thing. I'm playing a bit of New Vegas to kill the hours between exams and sleep.
  11. M

    What restores your faith in humanity?

    Listening to George Carlin and other cynical, angry comedians. It's ironic, I know. But at least I'm laughing out of anything other than despair :P. Edit: And Skyrim will help nicely.
  12. M

    Whats your poison?

    Vodka-Coke is my preferred drink, especially when done right (Ice, straw, lime). But I can never say no to a Vodka Paralyzer.
  13. M

    Goodbye is Still Goodbye

    May good luck hound you down your ever interesting path.
  14. M

    Has a game ever made your cry?

    Not really, but a lot of close calls have already been mentioned so I'll add: Saints Row 2. That one scene with Carlos. You know the one.
  15. M

    Post a Fun Fact About Yourself

    Resuscitation. Apparently I also had the fun habit of randomly not breathing. My mom had a hell of a time waiting for me to leave the house :P.