Recent content by Mokuren

  1. Mokuren

    Critical Heights

    With good reason, I believe. I'm no FPS professional and nowhere near the "good" mark, even, but playing a game of that kind on a console has always alienated me. I can't even begin to fathom how anyone could make a FPS on a mobile device without forcibly dumbing everything down to the...
  2. Mokuren

    Space Schlongs

    I have to agree on this. When you turn a previously 2D isometric game in a 3D experience where the world feels built and solid instead of drawn on a canvas there's only to be gained from that: I would sacrifice newborns for a remake of Syndicate like Fallout 3 was to Fallout 2. The problem...
  3. Mokuren

    Escape to the Movies: Expendables 2

    I've had a lot of fun watching all the stupid going on in the movie, and I frankly believe it was done a lot better than the first one: the characters looked more, well, unique, even if the objective was only reached through 90s standards of macho action flicks. Which is kind of the point of the...
  4. Mokuren

    Metal Gear Solid

    ... Huh. Yeah. Well, this strip really was a critical miss.
  5. Mokuren

    Scorpion, Impressionist

    Why do I recognize myself in that sentence? Also, I'm so glad to see this strip back to being about videogame humour.
  6. Mokuren

    The Knight

    Incidentally, I liked Fight Club up until it started becoming pretentious and full of pseudo-political quasi-psychologism bullshit. Which is the former half of the movie. All in all, even though this twist does kind of "save" the arc, it still doesn't make it good. Plot holes aside, my...
  7. Mokuren


    Even more the reason to point out what doesn't work and why, even if it's just my opinion. I just wanted to do something actually useful and constructive rather than saying "this sucks and I'm this close to dropping it". Again.
  8. Mokuren


    Oh, I've dated the wrong girls too, believe me, but on the bright side they made me jaded to other wrong people, so I didn't end up getting tangled with people better left alone (though I still facepalm at mach 5 when I see a certain friend of mine keep smacking his face teeth first against...
  9. Mokuren


    You know how people say "don't stick your dick in crazy"? There is a huge difference between "spontaneous" and "incapable of respecting any societal standard at all, even just basic respect for human beings", and there is a huge difference between "non perfect" and "having an ego the size of...
  10. Mokuren


    It is all pretty stupid, yes. I'm insisting in giving this comic the benefit of doubt since I used to enjoy it quite a bit, but then again my patience only gets so far. This arc is gearing up to herald a fall of overall quality similar to that of Dub This! which, for those fortunate of you...
  11. Mokuren


    Depends on how their workplace is organized. Where I work, I write the headlines for my articles, but the director may or may not change them according to the layout and neighbouring articles. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to assume she changes the headline only when it's sensible to. Like in...
  12. Mokuren

    Extra Punctuation: The Rise of Rail Roading

    Yahtzee has put into better words than I ever could the very same vibe I've been getting from this current generation of games. Ten years ago, I would claim I didn't like JRPGs because they were all linear railroaded corridors compared to traditional western CRPGs, especially those I grew up...
  13. Mokuren

    What defines the genre of RPG?

    A million times this. Never in a JRPG I've had the chance to do anything that really mattered, or that actually changed the story. No matter how fun it could eventually be, all that I was doing was lead a bunch of people of whom I could, at best, change the name and that spoke, interacted...
  14. Mokuren

    Critical Miss: Stowaways #5

    I want more Sharon. She's the sort of character that would shine like a star as a Captain Planet villain.
  15. Mokuren

    You've become the main antagonist in a game

    Actually have some character development, humanlike relationship with non-evil people, a zany and humorous side, quirky recurring minions that are too cute to kill and a reason for doing all that I did that not only earns me a cutscene but also a moment of admiration and makes the good guys...