Recent content by MorphingDragon

  1. MorphingDragon


    The actual tech built around nVidia GPUs is way better and much nicer to develop for. (Think shader debuggers, CUDA etc etc) Make a developer happy, buy nVidia GPUs today!
  2. MorphingDragon

    The Plight of the Masters

    What kind of scrub doesn't have a screen with a 120HZ refresh rate with GSYNC?
  3. MorphingDragon

    Rumor: Sorry Folks, There Will be no DirectX 12 Support For Windows 7 - Update

    A little of Column A, a little of Column B. Ever since Vista DirectX sits much lower in the operating system. It makes reverse integration harder, but not impossible.
  4. MorphingDragon

    Rumor: Sorry Folks, There Will be no DirectX 12 Support For Windows 7 - Update

    Khronos themselves are a massive problem with OpenGL. Even if you fix the *spec* doesn't mean the GPU manufacturers will suddenly change their sloppy habits.
  5. MorphingDragon

    Rumor: Sorry Folks, There Will be no DirectX 12 Support For Windows 7 - Update

    The only problem is OpenGL is rubbish compared to *Direct3D* (OpenGL only competes with one area of DirectX). Not only that OpenGL as it currently stands doesn't even compare to Mantle, Metal and DirectX 12 now that it has also ditched the traditional GPU pipeline model.
  6. MorphingDragon

    Mo' Russian

    I've added plenty of Russians that speak perfect English (albiet with an accent). Seriously, just add the randoms who turn out to not be terrible and/or assholes. I can put together a team of at least 3 each time I play.
  7. MorphingDragon

    Capcom: Next-Gen Development "Eight to Ten Times" More Work

    Sorry what? X86 and the Universal Shader Pipeline is probably the most known domain for writing games on. There is literally tonnes of literature available for coding efficiently for games and common optimizations for common problems. If they make 10 times extra work, its because they...
  8. MorphingDragon

    Should I Get Skyrim For The PC?

    I suggest starting your adventure into modding with this lovely little guide.
  9. MorphingDragon

    Don't Recommend Me an Anime

    I watched cardcaptor when I was growing up. There is no reason whatsoever to watch it, even when you were a kid.
  10. MorphingDragon

    The Poke-O-Matic Automatically Finds Shiny Pokemon While You Sleep

    Really? Because I had a cheating device on my Wii. Worked just fine. Nintendo in reality wont stop anything. If a group really wants to make it happen, be it chip or software, it will happen.
  11. MorphingDragon

    The Poke-O-Matic Automatically Finds Shiny Pokemon While You Sleep

    Somebody give that man an Action Replay, STAT!
  12. MorphingDragon

    Americans, what's so great about the Imperial System?

    1.9m also makes you sound tall as fuck. Maybe its because you are tall as fuck. I'm 6'and already seem tall as fuck compared to most other people.
  13. MorphingDragon

    DotA vs LoL...which is better?

    I'll be honest, all the one liners are infuriating after a while.
  14. MorphingDragon

    League of Legends player posts revenge porn of girlfriend because she used an overpowered character

    I hope 10000% this is a troll. Am I also a bad person for: - Thinking that he needs to wear a Fedora so everyone can know, plus dat mustache calls for it. - Going straight for the comments?
  15. MorphingDragon

    DotA vs LoL...which is better?

    The base game engine was completely changed, Dota2 runs on source. All the higher level stuff would've been rewritten at least. Even then there are plenty of videos showing gameplay tweaks between the two versions. They are spammed all over YouTube.