Recent content by mr_rubino

  1. mr_rubino

    Most Evil Human In History Aside From the Big Two

    Yes yes, persecution and all that. Why read what I said when you can "interpret" it? In other news, the other left-wing people mentioned (again, more than 3-4) were actual people who had an effect on history, not histrionic shrieking out of names in the...
  2. mr_rubino

    Most Evil Human In History Aside From the Big Two

    Yyyyyyyyyeah, none of that actually happened, did it? But hey, far be it for a "conservative" to not feel the need to "balance things out" by name-dropping a bunch of random people not even on the same level as the people we're discussing. (I can see how a nameless man keeping a woman in a...
  3. mr_rubino

    Most Evil Human In History Aside From the Big Two

    Dear God man. We get it, you're a conservative on the Internet. W e. G e t. I t.
  4. mr_rubino

    About Critics (Part 1)

    Escapisteers are, on average, fiercely anti-intellectual. That simple truth can be used to explain pretty much every seemingly inexplicable thing on this site. It's why people sling words like "elitist", "bias", and "pretentious" around as if the words actually mean anything anymore outside of...
  5. mr_rubino

    Thought on the English...

    So in other words this is just another "Why are we English so superior to Americans?" thread with a misleading name? Obligatory comment about something that happened 500 years ago: Then why did you add extra vowels to your words to impress them? =P
  6. mr_rubino

    ME3 Homosexuality Chapter (meant to be Ironic?)

    Isn't that the entire point of this thread?
  7. mr_rubino

    Favorite double standards

    You can make and/or post examples in a whine topic on the Escapist where everyone covers the same ground multiple times as long as you're a cloistered white straight teenage male and possibly non-American.
  8. mr_rubino

    Trashed Thor Press Kit Causes Bomb Scare

    It was a Lite Brite flipping passers-by off and someone screamed "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMB!!!", because good bombs draw attention to themselves. What part of that says "plausible"?
  9. mr_rubino

    Trashed Thor Press Kit Causes Bomb Scare

    Stupid people afraid of their own shadow think something is a bomb. What else is new? Honestly, you could leave a newspaper at a bus terminal in Noonecaresville (Population: 3-and-a-large-cat) and someone would call 911 these days.
  10. mr_rubino

    The Big Picture: Do the Mario! (Again)

    That's probably the one where Mario is Momotaro. There were like 2-3 fairy tale OVAs starring Mario. (According to the inter-net, the others were Snow White starring Peach and a Thumbelina-type Japanese fairy tale.) EDIT: According also to the Inter-net, Kibidango is a dumpling. Momotaro was...
  11. mr_rubino

    Adoptive Parents Call Portal 2 Jokes Offensive to Orphans

    So are we done pitching our "maturity tantrums", ladies?
  12. mr_rubino

    Gay characters in children's cartoons

    It's as if your post was the condensed form of the single argument always used (and has been used so far), usually stretched out to several paragraphs, by your side in these threads. Were you working from a checklist? I've heard that's bad form. Hahahahaha. Oh come on now.
  13. mr_rubino

    Gay characters in children's cartoons

    Now you're just throwing words at the screen.
  14. mr_rubino

    Gay characters in children's cartoons

    And anyone who uses that tired line from the Amateur Troll Handbook is a troll. We're busy. Take it elsewhere.
  15. mr_rubino

    Gay characters in children's cartoons

    My mistake. I thought you were a native speaker and took your vocab the wrong way.