Recent content by mstieler

  1. M

    Wastelander Panda Gleefully Blends Pandas And Post-Apocalypse Action

    Pretty similar to what I thought of when I read the title... "World of Warcraft: Mists of Fallout: New Vegas?"
  2. M

    Things that Skyrim Needs

    I'd like to be able to craft my own damned arrows. Oh, and Dragon weapons. Can't really match a set of Dragonscale armor with Glass daggers/bow, can you?
  3. M


    An "oh crap" moment turned into a CMOA moment in Skyrim: I play a Thief/Assassin-styled character, bow-at-the-ready. Minding my own business, sneaking around on a hilly pathway, and I turn a bend and there's a bear. Shoot a single arrow at it, and it takes off a tiny chunk of HP...
  4. M

    Poll: So I was looking through the latest Game Informer reviews....

    The thing is, this isn't education. Average here should be like a Bell curve: a few standouts in the top percentages, a few horrifyingly bad in the lower percentages, and everything in between is "average". I don't understand 7/10 being average... that should be 5 or 6/10, as that's the middle...
  5. M

    You have been approached by an adventurer...

    Isn't that supposed to be the other way around? They come up to you and ask if you need help with something? In that case, ask them to go dig through piles of crap to find an arbitrary number of random items.
  6. M

    Your Skyrim character quirks.

    Leave no loot behind. I hit up Mzulft and made 4 trips (hi, Sven? your new name is "packmule") bringing all the dwarven stuff back to smelt, only to find that half of it was unsmeltable. Oh, and I'm a light armor person, so I'm now thinking of getting the Dwarven armor perk just to use all the...
  7. M

    If you were to get a life-sized figurine of any fictional character...

    Alexstrasza (in dragon-form) from WoW. Preferably with wings outstretched, because the neighborhood could use some shade.
  8. M

    What SKYRIM class are you?

    Rogue/Assassin + utility spells.
  9. M

    Fun With The Video Game Name Generator

    Rock 'n' Roll Amish Online Legacy of Pony Dudes World of Funk of Might and Magic Third-World Porn vs. The Space Mutants Def Jam Baseball in the Outback Everybody Loves the Gun Bloodbath
  10. M

    So I am installing World of Warcraft...

    In case it hasn't been said: The Auction House stuff doesn't apply to trial accounts, as you can't use auction any items (nor bid or buyout any). But, of the classes available, a Warrior (if you like to be up in something's face to damage or tank it) or Hunter (ranged DPS pet class, pick...
  11. M

    Ok, the main character of the last game you played attacked you... How screwed are you?

    A ridiculously sneaky sniper from Fallout: New Vegas. Pretty sure I'm scr- Well, that was the last console game at least. For PC, I'm being slowly consumed by curses, banes, dots, and having my ass chewed by a Felhunter, all at the command of a Dwarf Warlock.
  12. M

    Games you wish had a sequel (or another one after the last)

    Sharing with OP & Quoted P: those that I didn't remove (and of those, I haven't played them, so I'm not going to comment on whether or not they deserve a sequel). Adding to it: Vagrant Story (sweet PS1 Action/RPG from Square that really made it seem there was another in the works) Xenogears...
  13. M

    LotRO Dev Admits "We Were Wrong" About Radiance

    From the linked LOTRO Lorebook page:
  14. M

    Which Game Did You Get All Achievements Or Trophies?

    Fallout 3 (non-DLC) is the only Platinum for me. The next closest? LittleBigPlanet, at 52%