Recent content by MushroomRetainer

  1. MushroomRetainer

    Polygon is the new Kotaku?

    "No white knights yet," and yet you still complained about them anyway. Way to Monoxeroth, Monoxeroth. Yep, you're a verb now. Congrats! I'm always interested when threads like this pop up, because I like to get a general consensus on how people feel about other sites I've heard about but...
  2. MushroomRetainer

    I Think We Are Being Followed

    This being an entertainment news site about Internet culture as much as anything else, my immediate first thought on seeing this is "don't feed the trolls." I suppose it could also be expanded to any sort of "don't poke it, you'll only make it worse" scenario. In summation: At least it's...
  3. MushroomRetainer

    Why the XBone is a good console

    Wow. You've got balls, bro. I respect that. Kinda strange that you posted an "in defense of Xbox One" post and then filled it with stuff that nobody really seriously cares about. The controller? The design? Seriously? Who makes a console choice based on it's aesthetics? Video game consoles...