Recent content by Myrph

  1. Myrph

    Feed Dump: Man Delivers Baby Porcupine

    Huzzah! Further proof that Graham is in fact not actually Paul!
  2. Myrph

    Feed Dump: Man Places Entire Squash into Rectum

    I remember the days when excessive punnage got you banned from the Haus. Those sure were the days. The Day of the Days.
  3. Myrph

    Layton Brothers Mystery Room Arrives On iOS

    I see what you did there. To everyone questioning this rather obvious typo, go play the first proper case, its a reference.
  4. Myrph

    Disney Infinity Will Have On-Disc DLC

    To be fair to them, if putting unlockable content on the disc is something they're gonna do regardless of what they're consumers think or not, especially if its unannounced future content, then regardless of whether or not its announced or not, someone is gonna go looking, and is more likely...
  5. Myrph

    LoadingReadyRun: RapidFire 3, Episode 1

    Not sure if it was meant to be visible, but seeing the bulldog clip pinning back Matt's Snuggie made that thing several times funnier!
  6. Myrph

    Feed Dump: Panda: The Other White Meat

    If there isn't a Skyrim mod that replaces the dragons voices with Graham saying 'Ermagehrd, Erm ah Dergon" by the end of the week, I'll be a sad panda.
  7. Myrph

    LoadingReadyRun: Seth McDebit

    Absolutely brilliant episode, but I must say I feel really bad for Jer for being the one taking all the punches. That being said, wooo, the return of Jer!
  8. Myrph

    World of Goo Team Sets Its New Game on Fire

    Its great to see they've managed to retain the dark sense of humour that was such a breath of fresh air in World of Goo and the wonderfully haunting soundtrack! Will definitely be keeping an eye on this one!
  9. Myrph

    Previews: The Secret Appeal of The Secret World

    I won't lie, part of me is hoping this entire thing is a complete flop that no one buys into and they stop developing 6 months down the line, moving everyone who is on the project across to making the long awaited sequel to The Longest Journey and Dreamfall. The other part of me is quite...
  10. Myrph

    Unskippable: Dungeon Siege 3

    Am I the only one who felt slightly jilted by the complete lack of an Ehb and flow joke?
  11. Myrph

    Adorable 3 Year-Old Experiences Harsh Justice in Skyrim

    I completely agree, this is a much better than a lot of 'adult' content that children are exposed to, and if she does learn the lesson from it, then she will come out of it better for it. To Sixcess, would you prefer this child was exposed to TV and magazines which promote the sexualisation...
  12. Myrph

    Miike's Phoenix Wright Movie Actually Looks Good

    If this is purely Mia Fey and DL6 incident, what's up with Dee Vasquez making an appearance? Any chance we're going to see more cases than just the big ones?
  13. Myrph

    How Well Do You Know Elder Scrolls?

    Yeah, I've not yet figured out how 1993 is the same as March 1994...
  14. Myrph

    Feed Dump: Dinosaurs

    I'm only disappointed that the stinger wasn't a minute and a half of Paul with a skull on his head. That would have been brilliant!
  15. Myrph

    Feed Dump: Live Birth Webcast

    Woooo, Kate Stark!! This is getting more like Phailhaus with every episode!