Recent content by Naeo

  1. Naeo

    Poll: How do you personally feel about the term cisgender?

    Sure, let's throw my two cents into this terribly thorny subject. I don't have particularly strong opinions about the term, but I lean towards "it's perfectly fine". It stands as a counterpart to the term "transgendered," and at least in my own experience, I've never seen it used as an...
  2. Naeo

    Poll: There are only 2 genders....right?

    Terminological quibbling: sex is not gender. "Sex"--i.e., biological sex--is generally fairly binary. While it may be a bit of an oversimplification, a male/female dicohotomy accounts for almost everyone if we're only looking at biological sex. Yes, there are some individuals who are...
  3. Naeo

    A mod ruined Skyrim for me.

    True, Dagoth Ur (and maybe even Vivec, a bit) were perhaps better written characters than Serana, but there are a few mitigating factors that make the comparison not quite fair. (heads up--I'm not disagreeing with you, they're definitely better written characters; I'm just pointing out why I...
  4. Naeo

    A mod ruined Skyrim for me.

    I came into this topic thinking "it's Interesting NPCs, isn't it?" Needless to say, that mod kind of ruined vanilla Skyrim for me too. The characters are, simply, way more interesting than almost any of the Bethesda-made characters, the dialogue trees are more engaging and the characters...
  5. Naeo

    Most Bizarre Errors You Constantly See

    "Quantum Leap" is NOT a large measure. It's the transition of an electron between two quantum states. It's an incredibly tiny change. It's madly tiny. No, all metal does not sound the same. Jesus. Yes, most of what's played on the radio sounds pretty samey, but most of that is really...
  6. Naeo

    Poll: Who are the most important members of society?

    Teachers. Without teachers, our society collapses. Teachers provide an education, which is the most absolutely critical thing in the modern world for all but the very, very few. Without teachers, most of the scientists and artists and such wouldn't be around. Without teachers, we'd have a...
  7. Naeo

    Historical periods that are barely ever explored in games

    Pre-Columbian Americas would be cool--I could see a neat game being based around any of the major Central/South American civiliations (Aztec, Mayan, Incan, etc), but one based entirely around the North American civilizations would be pretty awesome too. You could do it either as an open world...
  8. Naeo

    Americans, what's so great about the Imperial System?

    Nothing, really. It's an odd system without consistent conversion factors. I much prefer the Metric's use of ten for everything. Celsius, I could take or leave--it seems that the Farenheit scale having more precision if you're just using integer values might be better for reporting...
  9. Naeo

    Why I don't agree with calculators replacing long-hand

    It's incredibly important to know how to do math by hand. That said, in the era when everyone has about seven devices on them at any given time that have calculator function, that importance has faded. At least so long as we're talking about basic arithmetic. If we're talking about...
  10. Naeo

    Argue for Free Will

    True. Maybe I should have split this particular hair a bit more carefully. While we are part of the system and cannot get any outside perspective, the best (and only) real evidence we have would indicate that free will exists. Once you start down the path of "we are part of the system and...
  11. Naeo

    Argue for Free Will

    Since this has been mentioned, I'll go ahead and state that I'm answering using the definition of "free will" as "we have the ability to make decisions in a non-deterministic way". I.E., if you knew ever variable and had all the right ways to process those variables to predict some outcome, you...
  12. Naeo

    An idea i have for renewable power, do you guys think its possible?

    As mentioned, it already exists. My impression is that it's not as efficient as fossil fuels--i.e., you need more water/heat and perhaps significantly larger facilities to generate the same level of power output as with a traditional fossil fuel based plant. Additionally, there's the issue...
  13. Naeo

    CRACKED: "6 Sexist Video Game Problems Even Bigger Than the Breasts"

    I saw that article a few days ago when it went up. I don't agree with quite everything in it, but I think it brings up some interesting points for consideration all the same. Particularly #6, which isn't a point I'd heard brought up before (but then, I am admittedly isolated from the whole...
  14. Naeo

    A hypothetical question, especially for the atheists and skeptics in the audience...

    Uh... I'm gonna be one of the many "that guy"s who says the question is flawed. The notion of something having a supernatural explanation is dependent on NOT having a scientific explanation. As time progresses, fewer and fewer things remain unexplained, so the supernatural/divine is...
  15. Naeo

    Would you support a cure for homosexuality and transexualism?

    Ignoring the incredibly poor choice of words (which OP seems to have noticed), no, I would not. The reason being that there would definitely be sizeable groups pushing for the mandatory use of such a thing, and while I generally fall on the more liberal side of most issues, the government does...