Recent content by nanaholic

  1. N

    Zero Punctuation: Sleeping Dogs

    Good idea mediocre execution actually sums it up pretty nicely. The game was fun for the most part but it could've been a lot more. Couldn't agree more on the whole guns thing though - it's like the writers want to escalate the feeling of danger towards the end but don't know how to do it any...
  2. N

    Zero Punctuation: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    I loved the first BC's campaign - the blowing up stuff mechanic was pretty intense and fun, but the best thing was that the story and characters didn't take itself too seriously, so after you have your cover being blown to bits and went through the usual gun fights, you get treated to some...
  3. N

    Zero Punctuation: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

    I thought Yazhee is sport on, as was his view of the original Uncharted. He's not saying the game is bad as in "a complete waste of time", he's just saying that the game is uninspiring, lacks imagination and is too safe, as with the first one. I've played the first Uncharted when my friend...