Recent content by Naturality

  1. Naturality

    Feed Dump: Child Protective Services

    I think the worst part about 'Hitler Hitler-Hitler' is the way it fits uncomfortably well with the rhythm of the 'dreidel dreidel dreidel' song. (Not pronouncing the hyphen)
  2. Naturality

    Feed Dump: Tyrannic Saurus

    He knew he was going to have to wear the ugly hat. I'd imagine that'd put anyone in a bad mood.
  3. Naturality

    LoadingReadyRun: Some Kind of Geek

    Agreed. I think that line would've benefited from being a bit more esoteric.
  4. Naturality

    Jimquisition: Lazy, Boring, Ordinary, Art Games

    Yeah, that game that was first released four years ago is soooo old and out of date, guys. If I wanted a world to explore in my own way, learning the story for myself, I'd read a book like Twilight. I am totally immersed in the environment when reading Twilight and touching myself during the...
  5. Naturality

    LoadingReadyRun: The Break

    "We spoke the language of love, man." I love Cam.
  6. Naturality

    LoadingReadyRun: Sh*t People Say

    LRR videos and my life seem to be converging. The similarities are now almost unbearable. Soon the worst will come. Soon I will become my own worst nightmare. A magic player.
  7. Naturality

    LoadingReadyRun: Jonny

    IMO, even better than Story Guy. Johnny's gonna go straight up there with 'This is why I'm' Paul as the number one LRR character I want to party with.
  8. Naturality

    True Aim Using Golden Ratio

    I'm gonna join in here and say that there is no mathematical/physiological basis for this. Using a set of digits that happen to be within the golden ratio is meaningless. You could easily do the same with any random string of digits. Not to mention the fact that mouse sensitivity is often down...
  9. Naturality

    Smart people saying stupid things

    Looking back at history, it's easy to see thousands of examples of people we remember as intelligent being painfully wrong. For example, Philipp von Jolly, Max Planck's Physics professor said "in this field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few holes"...
  10. Naturality

    Describe Yourself in One Sentence.

    Borderline Asperger's astrophysics student who conforms to most know stereotypes of a 'nerd', with some musical interests thrown in. Probably about average for The Escapist.
  11. Naturality

    EA Gets Ready to Throw Down With Steam - UPDATED

    Well then, I'm not buying anymore EA games. After Battlefield 3, of course.
  12. Naturality

    Australian Unveils Prototype Hoverbike

    If building a hoverbike was as simple as sticking a few fans to a seat, it would have been done decades ago during the '60s when people were messing around with hovercrafts and the like.
  13. Naturality

    BBC Only Showing Half as Much Doctor Who Next Year

    Meh, I can't say I particularly miss it between seasons, but I do watch it when it's on. For the most part I'll probably just forget about it until it comes back. My prediction for the 2013 spectacular: Rory dies then comes back to life.
  14. Naturality

    Duke Nukem Forever PR Agency Threatens Sites Over Bad Reviews - UPDATED

    Jim Sterling of Destructoid: "Nobody should think kindly of such a miserable, lifeless, grotesque little game." 2/10 Methinks Dtoid might be one of these unnamed 'evil' sites. How dare they have a negative opinion of a game?
  15. Naturality

    Poll: People on the escapist with the same first name as you.

    Mine's relatively uncommon, and I don't see anyone in the thread with it: Rory. (I often consider changing the spelling to the more Celtic 'Ruaridh', but then decide that's a stupid affectation and I'd have to tell everyone how to pronounce/spell it. I hope you enjoyed this insight into my life)