Recent content by Neekoolawous

  1. Neekoolawous

    "Aw! You gotta be kidding me..." Moments In Gaming

    Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. All my level 50 legendaries are now pea shooters and my durability is now that of a kleenex in a washing machine.
  2. Neekoolawous

    What will gaming be like in 5 years time?

    Steam will have finished porting every video game ever to it's servers and Half Life 3 will still be a pipe dream.
  3. Neekoolawous

    What's a 'deal-breaker' for you when it comes to a possible relationship?

    Deal breakers would include: -the extremely religious -the videogame haters -the frivolous spenders -the ones with an avid mothering complex -the ones who despise nature
  4. Neekoolawous

    Your Fastest Speed Run of a Game

    I've beaten Super Mario Bros DS, in about 25 minutes. I've also did a 100% speedrun of Metroid Prime 1 in 4 hours and 20 minutes.
  5. Neekoolawous

    Poll: do you think the human race should survive?

    I think that we've reached a point where humanity needs to realize that we influencing the planet too much and it's time we got off this rock. Therefore implying that humans should not continue their existence on earth. So man the cruisers and warm up the FTL drives cause we should find...
  6. Neekoolawous

    Here;s Skyrim's biggest flaw (In my opinion anyway)

    I think the writing was generally okay, there were a significant number of quests that I grew fond of, however continuous glitches and the merchant runs made the rest of the experience fall short. One glitch made it so that I wasn't able to start the Battle of Windhelm because the lady at the...
  7. Neekoolawous

    Pokemon choice

    Having a Camerupt would be pretty cool. Volcano cow grazin' n stuff. But it would seem a tad impractical, so I would have to go with Umbreon.
  8. Neekoolawous

    Types of Pokemon you never/rarely use on your team

    I try to take advantage of dual types in order to get to get as many different types and move types as I can in my party. The only type that can be hard to integrate is dragon due to rarity.
  9. Neekoolawous

    The Half Life 3 Conundrum.

    The problem is, would the third episode be the same length as the others, and as a result of scrapping the episodic model, would they just release HL3 being the length of an episode or a full game?
  10. Neekoolawous

    The Future of the Health Bar

    They tried to establish realism through eliminating the health bar, but this led to regenerating health and an even greater leap in the wrong direction.
  11. Neekoolawous

    The Half Life 3 Conundrum.

    Is it just me or am I hearing Valve throwing around the words Half Life 3, more than they should be saying Half life 2 episode 3? As a distant observer of Valve's severely time dilated work ethic, it occurred to me that there is a possibility that they are building HL3 and have scrapped Episode...
  12. Neekoolawous

    "Girl Gamer Syndrome"

    When this gamergirl trend started people were all over it. Now it's about finding a girl who enjoys the same genre/group of games that you do out of the masses of attention seekers. Male here.
  13. Neekoolawous

    Poll: How do you sleep?

    Question: How do you sleep? Answer: Like a log. (cause I roll around on all sides looking for a comfy spot)
  14. Neekoolawous

    Yes I smoke.. So I'm the devil now?

    The problem with smoking is that after a while it becomes a huge money sink. Some people (myself included) feel that smokers could do better with that extra money, and feel bad/annoyed that they don't see that too.
  15. Neekoolawous

    Poll: I hate the imperial system. America, I'm looking at you! Give it up, metric is simply better!!!!

    Metric is accurate and easy to use. Imperial is still around because it's catchier. Imperial needs to go. Maybe some metric slang will help?