Recent content by Neferius

  1. Neferius

    A Helping Hand

    Hahah... chibi-Cory is frigging ADORABLE /)^3^(\
  2. Neferius

    China's "Artificial Star" Is Three Times Hotter Than Our Sun

    This article just outright lies by omission through not mentioning the fact that these reactors swallow many thousands of times the energy they could ever create. You know those super-dense magnetic fields capable of crushing single Hydrogen atoms? Well they don't happen by Magic. They need a...
  3. Neferius

    What Kind of Dev Are You?

    Cory did a pretty awesome job at rendering Andrew Hussie in that last pannel ^^
  4. Neferius

    #007: Special

    First rule of Hikikomori-CLUB is, there are no in-person meetings, EVER.
  5. Neferius


    'scuse me, but last i checked srry AMD cards still have the biggest processing power when it comes to high-end stuff. GOOD DAY SIRS! *slams door in disgust on the way out*
  6. Neferius


    "Pedantry? Perhaps, but this shit has been boiling my piss for years." Maybe you should see a doctor about that too. If you're lucky it's just the gout :(take some K2 vitamin, get well soon) Also, i had no idea what this comic was about until i realized Grey has no idea how Networks work...
  7. Neferius

    The Patreon Dilemma

    Dumbledore throws the sickest Parties! ^^
  8. Neferius


    Eh, Erin's gonna be just fiiiiinee. Those are just lymph-nodes. Sometimes they get inflamed from something as benign as a common-cold or allergy (which most-times are one and the same thing really). They also become more prominent as you age and your thymus gland shrinks so your lymph-nodes...
  9. Neferius

    The Critical Miss Guide to Dressing Like an Adult

    Wow, TWO 9/11 strips in a row ...huh, must be that time of the year [] ^^
  10. Neferius

    World of Warcraft's Blood Elves Are Finally Getting Their Visual Update

    In other news: Ten years later, People Are Still Playing World of Warcraft!
  11. Neferius

    Zero Punctuation: Sunset Overdrive - Trying Too Hard?

    THe end-credits reminded me of something in particular: xD ... :I Forgive me, i grew up in a Comedy Third-World setting :(
  12. Neferius

    Reality Bites

    He probably likes cats too. And dreaming of Unknown Kadath :))
  13. Neferius

    Zero Punctuation: Bayonetta 2 - Sheer Joyful Energy

    ♫Have you heard the tail of Bayonetta's bush?♪ ♪And the night that it saved us from Demons.♫ ♫Nobody knew the power it had; they just thought it was sexy and weird♪ ♪Bayonetta lived a life of thrill and excitement; Everyone feared her great giant...
  14. Neferius

    Reality Bites

    Dentists are the most horrifying type of doctor. They actually make you pay them a ton of money for amputating a small part of your body and replacing it with a cold nail fixed to your skull or a piece of plastic tied with metal wire xO Honestly, you're really better off just setting your...
  15. Neferius

    Escapist Podcast - Science and Tech: 026: Halloween Spooktacular: Scary Science

    How many people do you think get banned from forums on the Internet every day? Now, imagine that even a fraction of those people get charged and sent to jail for "Cyber Crimes". Do you think that will help society in the long-run? The answer is NO, of course-not. See, the problem is people do...