Recent content by Neo1656

  1. N

    If you are not playing Modern Warfare 3, what are you playing instead?

    I'm pretty much split between Binding of Issac, TF2 (as always), Sanctum, Borderlands, and the occasional Minecraft/Terraria. That all will change Sunday when I drop everything for Super Mario 3D Land. Which will also be dropped on the 20th for Skyward Sword. At that point, I will become a...
  2. N

    Favourite Disney Musical Number

    I love all the ones above, but all you guys are forgetting CLASSIC DISNEY. Never forget the classics. lol
  3. N

    Convincing my art teacher that video games are art

    Let us not forget the games of Jason Rohrer. See Passage, Gravitation, Between. Or even look at his presentation at GDC this year when he introduced Chain World.
  4. N

    A game says f*** you

    Portal: Prelude. You think Portal 2 was too easy? Give Prelude a shot. You WILL die in Testchamber 00. The one where you wake up.
  5. N

    Which song do you want playing at your funeral?

    This without a doubt. I loooooove Flogging Molly.