Recent content by Netwayman

  1. Netwayman

    What is the worst song you have ever heard?

    While there is a special hole in my heart [or ground] for most Christmas muzak in general, takes the cake in terms of driving to murder. Though poking around for the right version, of which apparently there are several, the one that is objectively the...
  2. Netwayman

    Most boring game you've ever played.

    Neverwinter Nights II, with the caveat that I rather enjoy the characters and dialogue and some of the quests... really a majority of the set pieces I separately enjoy [the trial in particular], but dear gods do I find playing it at all a chore. Start a new character, try to get through any...
  3. Netwayman

    Fetishes you will NEVER understand

    I personally can't understand any fetish in which the 'recipient' of the fetish can't appreciate, enjoy, or understand it. Which boils primarily down to necrophilia and bestiality, but I'm sure you could finagle some more in there. And my own fetishes [I like fatties, so sue me] put me...