Recent content by new_age_reject

  1. new_age_reject

    Phil Spencer Wants to Make Original Xbox Titles Backwards Compatible

    Big shout for Stubbs the Zombie!! I haven't had a console for years, PC gaming for me, but Stubbs the Zombie is one of the games I would love to play again.
  2. new_age_reject

    Zelda-Loving Dads Turn Nursery Into Hyrule

    Life is strangely sad like that. Teenagers are weird.
  3. new_age_reject

    New Hawken Gameplay Trailer Will Rock[en] Your Socks[en]

    Haha, you make a good point there!
  4. new_age_reject

    New Hawken Gameplay Trailer Will Rock[en] Your Socks[en]

    Yet another grey game, *sigh.
  5. new_age_reject

    A Musical Conundrum - Second Try

    Use winamp instead. It can play pretty much every type of audio file and it's free!
  6. new_age_reject

    3DS Discovers Myst

    I could only complete Myst with a bit of help from various clues. I mean come on, that mine cart bit!?
  7. new_age_reject

    The New Shiny Escapist

    Eeeeeeeeh. I really don't like it. It looks messy and is confusing to the eye. It's much harder to navigate and the white background is pretty mildly offensive
  8. new_age_reject

    Skyrim Fan Takes An Arrow in the Knee

    Amazed to see all the ignorant comments towards people that get tattoos. People don't get tattoos because they are insecure about their appearance and different tattoos mean different things to different people. Just because you wouldn't get a tattoo it doesn't mean that people who do are 'idiots.
  9. new_age_reject

    Leaked Metal Gear: Rising Trailer Outs Platinum as Developer [UPDATED]

    I'm just gonna step in here and be the first to call "troll" on this, we're being trolled by Konami... right? I think a hack 'n' slash style game would be good as a little mini game or as some kind of 'special mission', but I'd hate for it to take over the whole game.
  10. new_age_reject

    Gamers Find Way to Block Ads From New Xbox Dashboard

    Everything is just becoming another way for companies to brainwash us into buying their stuff. I also use adblock on escapist... but then I do pay for the escapist pub club :P
  11. new_age_reject

    Racist tram woman watches video evidence; denies everything

    Once again the crazy right wing controlled media blows everything out of proportion and takes it out of context to spread hatred and ignorance within the community. Don't just take everything a newspaper tells you as fact just because it's printed.
  12. new_age_reject

    7554: Vietnam's Call of Duty Coming Next Year

    I hope the game is an enjoyable shooter. I don't expect it to be as flashy as the current gen of gaming but it will be good to see something from another point of view!
  13. new_age_reject

    WARNING! this is a real threat to basic human freedoms!

    Well then we're fucked from every angle.
  14. new_age_reject

    Mojang Making Official Minecraft Legos

    At first I was excited but then I thought; How could minecraft lego be in any way different to normal lego?