Recent content by Newfie

  1. Newfie

    Skyrim...have you cheated?

    I used it twice. The first time was to experiment and see if I could DE some equipment and then I reset my stats to where they were, and the second was because my game glitched and decided to close a door I had opened earlier and try to shaft me through a giant cave so I said fuck that noise, so...
  2. Newfie

    Whats the most expensive thing you've ever won?

    I won a custom dual mod TE stick from a SSF4 stream twitter contest. The stick is probably worth $300, but the covering of brokentier stickers is what makes it so special.
  3. Newfie

    What's the latest manly stuff you've been up to.

    Friday I put 10 dozen beer on a trolly and put it into the back of a SUV. Then I put 3 30-Liter kegs into that SUV. Working at a brewery, so manly it will grow an entire forest on your chest.
  4. Newfie

    What's your controversial opinion?

    I think that Apocalypse Now is the best movie that Francis Ford Coppola has ever directed, even more than Godfather Part 2.
  5. Newfie

    Poll: Homosexuality

    You ought not to be intolerant about what people do behind closed doors, or even in public. It doesn't hurt you, and they are happy.
  6. Newfie

    The Best Game You bought from the Bargain Bin

    The Doom 3 expansion for $2.25 with taxes. That is the cost of a bottle of coke.
  7. Newfie

    Death to the Mana Bar!

    I wanted to say something about Gandalf that a lot of people seem to miss out on, and would factor into why he seems to cast a large number of spells. In the Tolkien literature, Gandalf is a very powerful and very mighty wizard, possibly almost as powerful as Saruman. Gandalf doesn't often use...
  8. Newfie

    Poll: Opinions of redheads

    Keri Byron, hotest chick out there.
  9. Newfie

    Poll: Have Fox shot themselves in the foot?

    This is Fox news we are talking about here, the daddy of all libel, slander, and BS when it comes to American "news" television. This is just another episode of them bringing a so called "expert" out to appeal to their overly conservative right wing audience in an attempt to justify their...
  10. Newfie

    In search of the worst musical act EVER. Who's yours?

    God this is just too bad for words. And people like them
  11. Newfie

    Poll: looking for RPGs with good tactical combat

    One of the best Tactical RPGs I have played is Jagged Alliance 2. Requires much thinking, placing of troops, equipment, hiring, money management and all kinds of other stuff. If you get it, make sure to get the v1.13 patch, it makes the game 100x better.
  12. Newfie

    Poll: Are movie critics out of touch with what people want to see?

    See, the issue there in lies, is that a movie critic and the average person judge a film on very different degrees of merit. Where a large portion of the film going public enjoys what Hollywood calls "High Concept" film, and it haves something for everyone. Critics on the other hand are looking...
  13. Newfie

    Unskippable: Dead Rising

    Man this series is amazing. It really feels like an episode of MST3K