Recent content by nightazday

  1. N

    Zero Punctuation: Remastered Editions

    They won't be able to remaster Loom because if they did they would be hit with as much "where's my sequel" as Half-life.
  2. N

    The Super Mario Apocalypse Will Never Arrive

    It's probably the end of the "New Super Mario" era and 2D Mario games but it's not like they ran out of assets to milk. I mean we still have super mario 3D land/world and all the 3D Mario games Now if they had a 3D Mario maker
  3. N

    Escape to the Movies: The Interview - This Is What We're All Getting Worked Up Over?

    Not too difficult to talk about with later generations. They can easily open up a discussion of globalism and cyberwarfare with it. Things with historical value doesn't necessarily need to have artistic value. The controversy surrounding it is important enough then what's actually in it.
  4. N

    No Right Answer: Are Gamers Dead?

    Really the end result is that game journalism is kinda, garbage. Stemming from the fact that journalist keep trying to present themselves as the representatives of gamers yet always seeking for vilify them in some form. The redefinitions they give are just stereotypes, treat them as you...
  5. N

    The Big Picture: Real Cutie - Manga Turned Live Action

    Well that was... interesting probably will stick to the manga though
  6. N

    Escape to the Movies: Leprechaun: Origins - Fool's Gold

    I don't know, I feel like watching the Scooby Doo thing. Also I liked the look on Link's face. He pretty much like "yeah I'm crusin' what of it this is my rad motorcycle I call it the epona."
  7. N

    Escape to the Movies: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Kids Deserved Better Than This

    Worst part about this is that it didn't really need a reboot. Unlike a lot of 80s franchises people loved and grew up with several other continuities of ninja turtles. They liked the 80s cartoon, they liked the 00s cartoon, they liked the original comics, the archie comics, the live action...
  8. N

    The Big Picture: Stay Classy, San Diego

    Comic films are to them what FPSs are to you Bob. You can understand that can't you?
  9. N

    The Big Picture: Leave Michael Bay Alone

    Problem with that argument is that said argument tend to lead to fanbase wars. You find a type of movie or genre you don't like, you demonize the people who like it. You try to force the people to be ashamed of what they like, if they don't they get more defensive. They start attacking...
  10. N

    The Big Picture: Link Be A Lady

    Definitely like a female link. Though you are kinda off on the reincarnation bit (Ganons are the same person, Zelda are all of the same family line) Link can be anyone. I think most of the gaming community is behind you (though many not for the same feminist reasons, and almost none likes your...
  11. N

    The Big Picture: E3-mageddon: Crossover

    He's already called "anti-thinker" it's just as subtle.
  12. N

    The Big Picture: Wunderpants - Wonder Woman's New Clothes

    I dunno I think Avengers is the better. But everything Bruce Timm made is a close 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, etc.
  13. N

    The Big Picture: No No Power Rangers

    Power Rangers kinda faded when people either walked away from it after the Zordon era or jumped ship when they heard it was an Americanization of Sentai. If you really want to get millennial nostalgia take a look at Pokemon. Hope to god no one will make a live action movie adaption of that...
  14. N

    Escape to the Movies: You Are Wrong About Spider-Man 3

    Venom only had screentime in the third act and I agree that Peter was suppose to be like that because "blacksuit spidey = Peter on roids" but I still think you are giving sandman too much credit.
  15. N

    Jimquisition: The Unholy Trinity Of Blind Greedy Bastards

    Wasn't that the reason for the Video Game Crash of the 80s? People that didn't know anything about games being in charge of game companies? How do these guys get into this position?