Recent content by nightblade253

  1. nightblade253

    LA Noire: Am I doing it wrong?

    Don't worry so much about choosing doubt. A lot of the conversations actually end up being either lies if they're fidgety or truths if they're not. I've beaten the game and it comes down to just getting used to the exaggerated movements that people make when they lie, the less exaggerated for...
  2. nightblade253

    Games where sniping is fun.

    Borderlands. Lots of rifles to pick from and blood spraying goodness as rewards. Plus the mad loot is always a great bonus. (And pity the bandit who thinks his shield will save him)
  3. nightblade253

    Games you Desperately Want to be Made. NOW.

    This. But in a different order. I will say though that I'd rather have a GOOD game rather than a QUICK one. I'd rather have fun with my experience instead of rushing it to production. PS: I can't believe it took 7 pages to get a Diablo 3 >.>
  4. nightblade253

    Horror Anime

    Hell Girl is always a fun time. But in truth there really aren't many that are truly horrifying. Most attempts at horror end up seeming....well, cool.
  5. nightblade253

    BioWare: Gamers Prefer a Manly Shepard

    Usually the last loyalty choice is a factor with their loyal/unloyal status and I know that you'd need 100% paragon/renegade in order to get it, but every time I've played it I've had everyone survive despite doing renegade and paragon plays. I honestly don't know what to tell you other than...
  6. nightblade253

    BioWare: Gamers Prefer a Manly Shepard

    Usually if you do all the people's loyalty missions and make them happy by doing so they'll survive. Also you might want to send specific people on tasks at the end. AKA throw legion in the pipe and send mordin back to the ship. Also use tali in the last mission, she might have the highest...
  7. nightblade253

    Just finished Elfen Lied..In one sitting.

    If you thought elfen lied was dramatic, you should try death note. It'll change your world.
  8. nightblade253

    Your favourite Anti-hero

    Apropos from Sir Apropos of Nothing and the following books. For those who haven't read, go do so. (Truly the best anti-hero of all time)
  9. nightblade253

    What game do YOU want on Virtual Console?

    Personally, I'd love to see the harvest moon's get on there. Normally I'd say Ogre Battle 64, but they just put that up recently. Add Zeldas to the mix and I find myself quickly depleting wii points. But there will always be a game that I've forgotten, or that i never really thought about...
  10. nightblade253

    Whats your top 5 animes?

    1. Evangelion (replacing the last two eps with the movies) 2. Gurren Lagann 3. Hellsing Ultimate 4. Death Note 5. Desert Punk. (seriously if you haven't seen this yet, go. now.) Edit: Keep in mind i've seen 150+ animes, these are all original ideas without too much interconnection...
  11. nightblade253

    Poll: Should we fear aliens?

    Two words: Mars Attacks. That'll happen. XD
  12. nightblade253

    Best warcry ever?

    NAMFOODLE THIRSTS!!! barring that and in all seriousness, All who stand in my way will DIE BY STEEEEELLLL!!!!! - Manowar
  13. nightblade253

    That armor. I want it.

    Someone did, they just didn't post a pic.
  14. nightblade253

    Your scariest video game encounter.

    Without a doubt, in the sewers of F.E.A.R., attempting to go down a ladder only to turn slowly to descend and find little miss scary demon girl staring you in the face. Then, after wishing I could physically jump OFF of the ladder, having multiple skeleton ghosts attack you. I proceeded to...
  15. nightblade253

    That armor. I want it.

    This. Gotta love the chaos armors. Of course it'd weigh like 300+ lbs......