Recent content by NintenTim64

  1. NintenTim64

    Most difficult book you've read?

    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I was 11 at the time and it was the first novel my class studied... I could not grasp it... at all
  2. NintenTim64

    Gamers in relationships.

    My girlfriend isn't a gamer and we've been in a relationship for about 2 years now. Although nowadays she has a Wii so there's some common ground on the gaming front there, but having games in common hasn't been a necessary part of our relationship.
  3. NintenTim64

    For the grammar Nazi's out there!

    I'm pretty much in the same boat. The misuse of these words is immensly irritating, mostly because it isn't really that hard to figure out what the differences are!
  4. NintenTim64

    Aussie Minister Proposes Ditching MA15+ Game Ratings

    It's quite an interesting proposition really. On one hand, the gaming community gets what it has wanted for a long time, the R-18 rating that can finally bring us Aussies up to speed with the rest of the gaming world, however, with the loss of the MA15 rating, we also lose the range and...
  5. NintenTim64

    Whats Your Favorite Escapist Show (Other than Zero P)

    I'm a big fan of Extra Credits and I do enjoy the odd viewing of a Daily Drop or ENN
  6. NintenTim64


    I am by no stretch of the word a great singer, but I do enjoy singing a few songs and I've played in a band where I've sung vocals a few times
  7. NintenTim64

    what superpower would you want?

    It's been mentioned in this thread a few times, but being able to control the matter and energy of the universe would be pretty swell
  8. NintenTim64

    In need of help...

    Maybe check out Jill Valentine from the earlier games, she plays a fairly core lead role from what I've played and read
  9. NintenTim64

    Your Gaming "oh come the fuck on!" moments

    Chasing people in Assassin's Creed, especially in Brotherhood, when Ezio decides to run up EVERY SINGLE WALL I COME WITHIN A METRE OF!
  10. NintenTim64

    How did you first end up at the escapist?

    A friend of mine showed me an episode of Zero Punctuation and I started watching every week. I totally forgot what ZP was until I was talking to another friend about Yahtzee and they told me about the Escapist. So yeah, now I'm here
  11. NintenTim64

    Pokemon for a pet

    Snorlax. One of my favourites of all time. Dunno what it is about a Snorlax, I just know I want one
  12. NintenTim64

    Poll: Whats your favorite team sport?

    I'm with this guy
  13. NintenTim64

    How important do you consider sex?

    As a 16 year old male, it seems stereotypical of me to enjoy the idea of sex, I've never had it and perhaps that voids my opinion on this subject a little, however, I've been in a relationship for near on 2 years now with a girl whom I love dearly. As my relationship has progressed, my views on...
  14. NintenTim64

    Is history as important, or more important, than Maths?

    A basic grounding in Maths is incredibly vital to everyone in today's world for reasons such as those mentioned above to do with money and instilling a basic sense of logic into everyone. As a High School student who's planning to drop Maths for next year's studies, in favour of both Ancient...
  15. NintenTim64

    Yahtzee needs to take a break from Zero Punctuation.

    i've found that some of Yahtzee's best reviews are entertaining and hilarious because the game he's reviewing has something really worth commenting on, be that something good or bad. ZP has always had a run of bland reviews every now and then, but they could sometimes be just down to a series of...