Recent content by Nitrokitty

  1. N

    So apparently JonTron is a racist

    See, I could forgive him if it was just making a kinda offensive joke and apologizing, like PewDiePie, but no, he went full on White Power.
  2. N

    Space Janitors? Really?

    Roger Wilco called. He wants his schtick back.
  3. N

    Zero Punctuation: Metroid Other M

    So I looked up who did Samus's voice for the Metroid Prime series, even limited as it was to grunts when she gets hit, and I found out who it was. JENNIFER MOTHER FUCKING HALE! Seriously, can we get a vote on this as the greatest missed opportunity of the century? If they wanted Samus to...
  4. N

    So bad it's the best film you've ever seen...

    Wild Zero. Japanese rock stars save the world from alien zombies. The DVD comes with a built in drinking game. Also, anything by M. Night "What a tweest!" Shamallamadingdong after 6th Sense.
  5. N

    Poll: In re: Zero Punctuation, Braid vs. Cave Story: unleash the nerd rage!

    Okay, at risk of getting my head blown off by the sheer amount of frantic gamer spooge flying from my screen from all the fan wankery over this, I'm going to provoke a Battle of the Indie Games! In the Red Corner: Braid Released recently on Xbox, Braid is a puzzle/platformer game that uses...
  6. N

    Zero Punctuation: Mailbag Showdown

    My response to this movie was a big fat "meh." I personally love SSBB, and couldn't care less that Yahtzee doesn't like it. THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO DON'T LIKE THE GAMES I LIKE!!! OH NOES! WHATEVER SHALL I DO?! His Brawl review just wasn't all that funny. It sounded way too forced. He...
  7. N

    Vegetarianism. A little help...

    As has been previously stated, hummus is your friend. Put hummus on EVERYTHING. I eat hummus constantly, and it still blows my mind that something that tasty is really good for you. Also, another piece of advice that most wannabe vegetarians overlook: AVOID CORN. It may be difficult since...